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Something in Wooyoung was telling him to kiss San, so he did exactly that.

After a few seconds San kissed Wooyoung back.

It wasn't his stomach this time, but Wooyoungs heart exploded.

Wooyoung felt like he was in a whole different world.

They pulled apart and looked eachother in the eyes.

"Wooyoung I'm home!" Wooyoung and San heard from downstairs.

Both their eyes went wide.

As they went downstairs Wooyoung told his mom that San had came over after school and that he just forgot to ask if it was ok.

Wooyoungs mom said it was fine, but San had to go home because they had already made plans for dinner.

The next few weeks San completely avoided Wooyoung. Wooyoung felt hurt about it so he finally decided to ask San why he was ignoring him.

"San why are you ignoring me?" Wooyoung said when he saw San in the library during homeroom.

"I ummm..." San said.

"If it's about the kiss I'm sorry." Wooyoung said.

"You don't have to be sorry, I just didn't and still don't know how to react to it." San said.

"Well while I'm here I guess I should tell you that I kind of like you." Wooyoung said.

"You what?" San said closing his text book.

"I have a crush on you. That's kinda the reason I kissed you." Wooyoung said fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh Wooyoung. I'm so sorry, but I don't feel the same way. I see you more of like a little brother." San said.

"Oh." Wooyoung said. He felt like crying, but he can't just cry because someone doesn't like him back.

"Actually. I assumed that you kissed me because you like me that's kinda why I started ignoring you." San said.

"Oh. I get it. It's all good." Wooyoung said walking away.

I was foolish to think he would like me back.

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