Hanging out

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"Anyways see you later." Wooyoung said opening the door, but befor he could open it his mom did.

"Oh Wooyoung who's this?" Wooyoungs mom asked.

"He just a friend. Now let me inside." Wooyoung said whispering the last sentence.

"Oh well why don't you invite your friend in for dinner. I was just about to go out and get groceries." His mom said looking at Wooyoungs friend.

"It's up to Wooyoung." San said looking at Wooyoung.

"Ok." Wooyoung said pushing himself into the house. San following behind him.

"Your house is nice." San said trying to brake some of the awkward silence.

"Thanks." Wooyoung said walking up some stairs opening a door.

"This is my room." Wooyoung said walking into a room.

"It's very nice and cozy." San said looking around. His eyes landing on a small rainbow flag that was sitting in a pen cup on Wooyoungs desk.

Wooyoung was definitely the farthest things from straight. He had one girlfriend in his life during 7th grade and that was only to make her parents not know that she was a lesbian with a girlfriend, and for him to hid the fact that he was gay and had a boyfriend from his dad.

Wooyoung noticed that San was looking at the flag but didn't want to say anything because San could be homophobic.

"So..." San said trying to brake the awkward silence again. "What do you do for fun?"

Does he actually want me to talk about my personal life?

Wooyoung was shocked nobody ever asked him what he liked to do. For some reason his stomach felt all jittery because of the question.

"I dance." Wooyoung said with a genuine smile.

"I think that's the first time I've seen you smile." San said also smiling.

Wooyoungs stomach started to feel all jittery again.

Why do I feel like this?

He didn't hate the feeling at all, in fact he kinda liked the feeling.

After a while of sitting on their phone for what seemed like forever the front door finally opened.

"I'm home!" Wooyoungs mom shouted from down stairs. Wooyoung got up and booked it down the stairs.

"Hey be careful don't give yourself and asthma attack again!" San said flowing close behind him.

"Wooyoung you had an asthma attack today?" Wooyoungs mom said looking concerned.

"It was just a small one." Wooyoung said.

"You had to lay down on the sidewalk." San said.

"Shhh." Wooyoung said patting his shoulders giving him a death glare.

There was the jittery feeling again.

What the fuck?

"Ya that will happen occasionally. Anyways who's your friend I forgot to ask his name before I left." Wooyoungs mom said looking at San

"Uhhh... mom this is San. San this is my mom." Wooyoung said looking a bit nervous.

"San sounds like a name I've heard before." Wooyoungs mom said tapping her chin looking up.

"Ya I don't think yo-" and once again Wooyoung was interrupted.

"Is this the kid that bullied you?"

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