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The morning air was cold as the snow was falling down on the streets of Houston. It was the 26th of December, and the streets were empty of people. Only a few cars were driving through the streets giving the cold air a low vibrating sound to silence down as the snow fell calmly. Inside one of the apartment buildings sat a woman in her middle twenties, her brown hair up in a high bun and her tired green eyes looking out through the frosty window. She could only imagine how the cold was gonna bit into her cheeks when she finely forced herself out of the apartment.

Evelyn had a cup of coffee in her hands as she was trying to make the fog go away from her mind. She had been up late the night before, not only because she was celebrating Christmas with her dad but because of work. Evelyn turn herself from the frosty window and leaned over the kitchen counter as she read the morning papers. The uniform she had on was spotless with her detective badge dangling from her neck in a thin chain.

Her apartment was as spotless as her uniform with not a thing out of place. The modern kitchen was a shared room with her dining room and living room. It wasn't a big home, but it was hers. Evelyn's bedroom had a queen-sized bed with baby blue bedding perfectly bedded, and her bathroom was newly cleaned as Evelyn had woken up by a nightmare, again. Ever since her mother was killed she had the same nightmares, and every time they occurred, she let her frustration out by cleaning. Evelyn's dad had asked her to seek help when it came to the nightmares, but Evelyn was stubborn as a donkey refusing to take someone's time becomes of a few nightmares.

Evelyn jumped when her phone buzzed next to her breaking her out of her intensive reading. With her heart racing, she looked at the sender and smiled lightly. It was her previous partner in the police force. Evelyn and James Laswell had been partners when she started to work as a police officers. Even if she had recently been promoted to detective, they were still considering themself partners.

You up hun?:)

Evelyn couldn't help the small smile she felt her lips turn into. James was soon to be a dad to twins, and his wife Emma was a lovely woman. She had welcomed Evelyn to the force by gifting her an apple pie on her first day a few years ago.

Been for a while partner:)

Evelyn typed back and pressed sent, almost immediately she saw three dots as James was texting back.

Perfect, get down to the streets, and I will drive you to the station.

James sent it with a thumb up. Evelyn sent a fast reply and drank the last drops of her coffee. She took her leather shoulder strap bag that was, as usual, packed to the brim and walked over to the apartment door. When she stood by the entrance to her apartment she put on her working boots and the force jacket. Evelyn took up her keys that were placed at the small table next to the door, where a picture of Evelyn, her dad, and her mom was placed together with a vase of flowers. With a fast look at a pair of ballet shoes that was hanging by the door, she put on a smile on her lips, gave them a gentle hit and walked out.

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