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Two weeks passed rather quickly for Evelyn. Things have gone smoothly giving her an uneasy feeling that something will happen soon. Even if she is in enemy land she has started to enjoy herself a little too much for her own liking. Evelyn never knew she could start to like criminals but these people are bound to take a grip of your heart in some way.

Jeremiah was the worst one Evelyn though. His charming and joking way made her forget the work she was there to do, which scared her the most. The tingles she gets every time he looks her way with that smile made her heart swell and her mind go crazy.

To clear her head she had asked James to meet her on her third free day. If it was someone who could knock her back to a professional stand it would be him.

Evelyn rushed down the stairs hoping neither of the bikers would be up this early, they had been going pretty wild the night before. When she turned her way into the kitchen her hopes disappeared as she saw Jeremiah together with Gunner and Athena. The three of them stood talking while snacking on toasts.

The first one to notice the detective was Athena who broke out with a big smile. Evelyn didn't know when it happens but suddenly the woman had adopted her as her friend and now Ev couldn't seem to escape the old lady, not that she wanted to.

"Morning sunshine, you are up early," Athena said with a raised eyebrow and the toast midair.

"Yeah, it's my free day" Ev answered and moved further into the room. She had gotten used to getting her own breakfast ready not wanting to bother the biker who always seemed to stand in the kitchen.

"What are your plans?" Athena asked. Her eyes travel from the detective as she stood with her back to the group and up to her own biker. Gunner looked down at his angel lovingly as he often did.

"I'm meeting up with a friend" Ev answered quickly while getting a bowl ready for herself. Jeremiah who had been standing against the counter watched the girl intensely as he tried to notice what her preferred breakfast was. He had still to do the decision about her but had at the same time noticed small things about her that he could use to win her over if he chose to. Both Athena and Gunner saw the look and couldn't help but send each other knowing looks remembering themselves when they fell in love.

"That's always nice, you have a ride to the city?" Athena asked trying to get the conversation going.

"James will pick me up in about half an hour," Evelyn said over her shoulder before turning around with the bowl in hand. With long strides, she walked closer to the group and snecked between them. J swallowed very visibly as the detective stood in front of him.

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