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The mc was quiet as the sun was slowly rising in the distance. The grass on the territory was now slowly looking green again, and the spring was beginning to show its power as the grass was joined by flowers, and the trees got sprouts showing that they soon were going to be green and full of life. Jeremiah stood in the kitchen getting the mandatory breakfast ready for the bunch of bikers around the territory that usually ate with everyone. J had for a while had a hard time falling asleep as he was worried about the girl he was longing to have by his side for the rest of his life and was thinking of doing reckless stuff. He didn't want her to risk her life in any form, all he wanted to do was hide her from all the harm.

The only way for him to actually fall asleep was to sneak into her room and lay with her. It was something about knowing that she was safe in his arms that made him relax. Even if he almost became headless as the two bikers having the sleep watch thought he was a hitman. The memories made the hair on Jeremiah's body stand up and his grip on the bowl he was holding harden. He hated that his sugar was in trouble and that lots of dangerous people were out after her.

"Morning," someone said by the doorway into the kitchen. The thinking biker turned around to watch Gunner observe him with gentle eyes. the three dogs were standing behind the tall biker looking over at Jeremiah with questionable looks. J was sure they could feel his emotion, and he forced himself to calm down, not wanting to risk anything with the powerful dogs.

"You look tense," Gunner stated and moved to the kitchen. Jeremiah struggles his should, reaching his hands out to the dogs tripping over to him and asking for anything to eat. With a few scratches to their heads, Jeremiah turned his gaze up again.

"A little maybe," Was all he said before reaching for a few ham pieces to give the three dogs that were now waving their small tails. Gunner let a small smile appear on his usually stern lips. He knew what was troubling the biker, the memories of when he was fighting for the love of his life appeared in his head. It was nice to see a friend find the same luck in somebody else, even if she was in a troubled place right now. The tall biker sat down by one of the chairs by a counter and watch his friend interact with his three dogs.

"Are you worried?" Gunner asked and saw his friend look up at him again with a calculating gaze. To Jeremiah's defence, Gunner wasn't someone that talked much.

"Yeah, I'm scared something is going to happen to her," J answered truthfully before he sigh and leaned back against the counter. His apparent turned to a tired and energy-drained posture. His right hand was placed against his face as he slowly massaged the sides of his face.

"We are all looking out for her, you know, as long as she has us she will be okay," Gunner said trying to assure his friend that the detective would be okay. Gunner had at first, not like the girl invading his land and family, but as he got to know her and saw how her actions matched up with her words he had grown to like the stubborn detective. Even if Gunner hadn't gotten a liking to the new girl he would probably be forced to like her when he saw how much Athena liked the woman. Athena had seen something in her from the first time she had seen her when the detective spied on them coming back from Sweden. Gunner remembered the laugh she had shared as she pointed out how cute she was for trying to hide from them.

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