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Sixteen. Sixteen long hours had passed since Jeremiah had shot the imposter right in his head, giving him a fast death. Oh, what the biker wished he had given him a painful death, but he had been so angry and hadn't had the power to change the thoughts going around his head. From the time Wyatt cleared Evelyn from death Jeremiah had been seated next to her without moving an inch. Her dad had even been over to hold her hand for a few hours before going out to speak with Jax to get the full report on what had happened to his little girl. Jeremiah had a lot of respect for the man as he didn't show any sign of being afraid of any of the bikers. The old man did even try to pick up a conversation with Jeremiah, but all he could do was nod and shake his head as he continues to watch the woman he loved. It was like he was afraid that he would miss something important if he looked away from her.

Jeremiah knew Evelyn would be fine, the shot had missed any vital organ, and her collarbone had been hit, so it was broken, but thanks to it, the bullet didn't come that far into her shoulder, making it easier for Wyatt to make sure she would be okay. However, her old gunshot wound had reopened and thanks to that and the new wound she had bled out a lot.

"Oh, Evelyn, I wished I could have taken that bullet for you," Jeremiah said and held her hand harder in his bigger and warm one. Her face looked just like she did when she was asleep, with her lips slightly parted, letting a few breaths out. Jeremiah couldn't help but lean forward to place a few kisses against her hand wishing he in some way could take the pain from her. The look in her eyes when he had seen her on the ground was hunting him as he never wanted to see her that way again.

A groan was heard before a sight came out of the detective's mouth making the biker sit up straight again. When Evelyn's beautiful green eyes opened up and looked around the white hospital room, Jeremiah squeeze her hand lightly.

"What happened?" She asked as her mind was a bit foggy. Jeremiah breathed a sigh of relief as he finely could see his love awake again, it was like he finely could rest his shoulders again and relax knowing she was truly fine.

"Wait, I was shot," She said and made a move to feel her shoulder, but Jeremiah was fast to push the hand away. Evelyn looked over at the biker confused, before looking down to barely see the bandage that had been placed around her shoulder and back.

"Did I break something?" She asked when the pain came as waves from the movement she had made with her head. J only nodded his head and continued to look at her like he couldn't believe she was alive. Evelyn blinked away the tears of pain as she made sure not to do any swift moves like that for a while. When she had collected her thoughts, Evelyn made sure to turn her head slowly to Jeremiah's seat to be able to look up at the silent biker.

"You killed him," She whispered to the man. J tried to make out if she was angry, surprised or hadn't really got it in yet. That wasn't his usual self, he had never killed anyone with that minimal thinking behind it, and even if he tried to muster some remorse, he couldn't. That man had been able to kill Evelyn, and for that, Jeremiah believed he needed to be punished by death.

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