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Days came and went as Evelyn and Jeremiah continued their life in the big house in the middle of nowhere. Snow was pouring down like white blankets making it almost impossible to see even the closest of trees from the window in the cosy living room. Evelyn stood by the window looking out anxiously after a glimpse of the biker that had gone out to get a basket with firewood from a small little house in the backyard. He had been gone for a while, and Evelyn began to think something had happened on the way, they had, after all, seen wolf's around the woods a few days ago when they were out to take a walk.
Just as Evelyn was on her way to get her things to make her way out in the cold air, Jeremiah came through the thick snow with the basket in his gloved hands. With a sigh of relief, Evelyn ran over to the door and welcomed the biker in. The cold air travelled with the poor guy as he tried to be as fast as possible.

"You must be freezing," Ev said to the biker as he placed down the basket in front of him. With some elegant steps and movements, the detective closed the door and turned around, ready to see Jeremiah shake the snow off his shoulders.

"Don't do that. It will be water on the floor," Evelyn complains but was met with a deep chuckle as J took off the jacket and put it by the door. He was quick to embrace Evelyn with his cold arms making her jump and giving a squealing noise.

"Don't do that. You are cold," Evelyn said as she tried to get away from the teasing biker that couldn't get enough of teasing the girl he was in love with. With a strong grip, he lift her and carried her over to the big kitchen where he put her down on one of the cabinets. Evelyn had given up on getting free from the biker and had begun to laugh as she felt him placer her down. When she finally sat down, she leaned back to look at the biker with lots of snow in his brown hair. His brown beard had begun to grow a few centimetres in length and was always scratching against Evelyn's cheeks as they were making out.

"You are lucky I like you," Evelyn said and leaned into him to place her sweet lips against his smiling once. Jeremiah was quick to answer the kiss with his own passion leading the couple into a series of deep kisses. When the two felt like they should breathe, they separated with laughs rolling off their lips. Evelyn felt like she finely could get herself out of the dark hole she had dug herself down while mourning James' death. The days away from the city had made Evelyn think about the good things they had done together and what was to fight for now. Having time to mourn her friend had made things easier to move on from and even if the sadness still was there Jeremiah was an expert when it came to supporting her and helping her through the dark thoughts whenever they came by and hunting her.

"I should start to cook something easy before the lights go off, the wind is picking up pretty badly outside," Jeremiah said as he began to think rationally again. Evelyn made his mind spin with lust and want, but he knew that he needed to get some food in her before the lights go out, it was just a question of when the lights were going out now.

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