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The last three days have been crazy. Evelyn was as always inspecting things but everything had changed. Riders and sirens were friendlier than before but Ice and Titus were even more on their guard around her, it was weird. At the moment Jax stood explaining something to her but all she could think about was Jeremiah. She missed their long talks, she missed him and that scared her in so many ways. He had been giving her space as she had wished for but she had never felt the longing for his embrace as strong as it was now.

"Earth to Evelyn! I'm not telling you this again" Jax said with a smirk on his lips as he notice the faraway look in her eyes. Everyone knew about her and Jeremiah's fight and the kiss. Even if Jax was irritated that Maddox and Titus got the bet money he still was happy for his biker, but now it seems like it's trouble in paradise. Evelyn jumped as she heard her name and turn her face up at Jax.

"Sorry lots of thought today it seems" she explained and tried to give him a small smile. The air outside was cold but the snow around them was beginning to melt in the sun. The wind was blowing fresh air into their faces making their hair fly around like crazy.

"Maybe it's time to face the problem," Jax said as he walked into his president mood, why he felt obligated to do it with her he did not know. Evelyn gave him a skeptical glaze but already knew what he was talking about.

"It's not that easy Jax," she said and turned away from him to walk to the end of the house she was inspecting. Jax followed tight after giving off a dramatic sight.

"What's the problem doll? It's not like he is a bad guy" Jax said and took a step to stand in the way of her vision. Evelyn fight the urge to push him away but she knew she wouldn't make him move a centimetre if he didn't want to.

"For God's sake, Jax think, I'm here as a detective doing an investigation. There are rules for things like me and Jeremiah" Evelyn told the president irritated and took a step to the side so he could walk past him. As before the bikes walked after her with the same dramatic sight. Evelyn had noted how dramatic and careless the leader was at times but still manage to pull off a serious face when it was needed.

"Fuck the police, if you and him work out, this could be your home from now on," Jax said and that made the girl turn to him quickly while narrowing her eyes on him. He knew he had fucked up as she started to point at him while giving off a short and frustrated huff.

"First of all, I'm the police! Second of all, do you think I'm that easy to convince to throw my life away?" she question him as she started to walk away again while looking up at the rooftop. Jax knew he had stepped on the detective's toes by saying that and was desperate to find a way to smooth it over.

"Of course I do not, I'm just telling you how your life could be," The president said without taking the anger at notice this time. Evelyn only rolled her eyes and stood quiet for a few minutes as she continue to watch and write down stuff on the cupboard she was caring.

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