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Evelyn sat in a dimed cab while her legs bunched up and down in worry. All James had told her was to meet him at his house as he had found something. Wilson had let her go easily as he already planned to get rid of her for the day, that would make the detective irritated if it wasn't for the worry James had in his voice. All kinds of scenarios played in her head making her even more nervous, Evelyn knew something had happened or that he had found something and whatever it was made him call her on a working day, he usually wait until she is free.

The air had been cold when Evelyn left the mc territory in her hurry, and Jeremiah had sent her worried text wondering what had happened, but all Ev could answer was that she would tell him later. She wanted so desperately to tell him on the spot, but with everything going on in the police force and having the chef around, Evelyn didn't think it was a good plan to say anything right there.

When the sun finally chose to shine through the dark clouds the cab drove up to the apartment complex James and his wife lived in. With some kind words extended and paying in cash, Evelyn got out and rushed up the stairs to the third floor. The stairway echoed as Evelyn ran up as lightly as she could. Her breath came out in huffs when she stopped in front of the black door with James' name on it. With three quick knocks, the detective waited. While waiting Evelyn started to take off her police jacket as she felt nauseous because of the nervousness.

"Come in," James said when the door had flown open. A wall of warm air hit Evelyn's cold body, giving her a relaxed feeling. Evelyn stepped into the beautiful apartment where lots of wonderful paintings were up on the wall, creating a wow factor every time Evelyn came over. James stood a few meters from the door with his hands in his pocket the green hoodie he had on. His blond hair was messy just as if he had been messing around with it, it was a clear sign that something was up, Evelyn thought.

"Is Emma home?" Ev asked as she took off her shoes and walked after her friend that lead them to the kitchen. The place was decorated in white and copper and had a lot of plants that Evelyn knew they bought from her dad. The apartment smelled like honey and apple from the wonderful candles Emma bought with her whenever they go out together.

"Not today. I made sure we would be alone for a while at least," James said and turned around as he stood by the coffee maker. The officer's face was serious and troubled like he hadn't been able to sleep in days.

"Do you want some coffee?" James asked trying to sound light, but Evelyn could hear the tension in his voice. With a small answer, James knew he was doing coffee for two and made his way around the kitchen. At the same time as James got some snacks and coffee ready, Evelyn sat down by the table a few meters away from James. On the table were lots of paper spread out, and at first glance, Evelyn knew it was all about the murders around the city. Evelyn, who had always been the curious type, took a random paper and began reading.

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