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Jeremiah woke up with Evelyn's body against him in the big and soft bed. With a quick gaze over to the window, J could see the snow still pouring down like it was no end. The pair had shared rooms since the day they came here, and ever since they had that sensual sex three days ago they had a hard time holding their hands from each other, therefore the naked body that now creating heat together as the outside still consisted of a snow storm and cold air. The biker let his gaze travel over to the beautiful girl laying on his chest, looking like the happiest woman in the world. At this moment, nothing troubled her, and that filled Jeremiah with hope for a time when they can be a happy family. At first, the thought surprised the man, he had never really thought about a family outside his mom and himself, but as he looked at the girl sleeping so deeply he knew she was part of that family. She was his future and hopefully, she wanted to be his family too, and maybe someday create an even bigger one.

The sweet thought was broken when the ring signal went off. The eye of the tiger began ringing through the room breaking the emotional atmosphere that had taken over the biker. If that wasn't bad enough, Evelyn begin to come back to reality with a big yawn and eyes full of sleep looking around herself wondering what was playing so loud.

"damn it," J said as he slowly lifted Evelyn from him as he stood up in all of his naked pride. He began to look for his phone somewhere on the floor where their clothes were spread around. Evelyn watched the perfect ass as the biker leaned forward to throw some of their things to the side.

"Hello?" Jeremiah finely said when the phone was found, and he stood up straight showing his muscular back. When he saw the gaze Evelyn had on him he wished he didn't answer and was laying beside her again.

"J nice to hear your voice. How are the two of you?" Jax's voice was heard from the other side of the line. The thought of ignoring whoever was calling ran out the window as the president spoke to him, even if he wanted to he could not ignore the one ordering him around.

"Hi Jax, we are all good. Caught in a snowstorm at the moment, but we keep us warm and happy," Jeremiah answered and heard Evelyn groan loudly at the sexual illusion Jeremiah was painting for the stubborn and evil president. Ev could just imagine how the devil horns were forming on the man's head as he made plans of mocking her.

"Just what I would have done. You make me proud," Jax said with a smirk on his lips as he was chuckling. Jeremiah couldn't help but grin as he thought of what he and the detective had done all night.

"I hope you are free. I need to talk to you," Jax said more seriously. Jeremiah heard the seriousness in his tone and began to look for something to cover his naked glory with.

"Yeah, of course, let me just get to the kitchen real quick," Jeremiah said and began to balance the phone between his shoulder and cheek as he began to put on some sweats. Evelyn watch him with a worried gaze, so Jeremiah gave off a sweet smile before walking over to her and placing a kiss on her forehead.

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