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As the sun was on its way to shine its last rays on the mc for the day the inner circle sat in the temple debating what to do now. Evelyn had surprised them all and neither of them had thought this would be an option.

"What do we do now? Do we trust her?" Gunner asked and received an irritated gaze from Jeremiah. The biker saw the look and rolled his eyes before leaning closer to the man, even if Maddox sat between them.

"I didn't mean that I don't trust her. Athena has found a liking for the woman" he whispered to his friend as he felt obligated to tell him his stand. Jax cleared his throat as he stood up from his big chair at the end of the table.

"I can't demand what you all think and I'm ready to hear everyone's opinion on the matter," Jax said and leans back in his chair again looking as serious as he ever had. Everyone in the room knew what was at stake and knew this could be the end for them.

"I can begin, Evelyn has been playing nice with us from the beginning and I could actually see her choose us. Titus told us how she reacted against that Wilson guy and I believe she is on our side" Ash said looking around at everyone. Jeremiah didn't know why the man stood up for the detective but was glad he was on her side.

"The only thing bothering me is why would she choose to go against everything she believes in for us? I don't know her more than from the times we have had discussions in my studio but she seems sincere around us" Ash finished and stopped to look a Jeremiah for a few seconds. A smile spread on the tattoo artist's lips before he gave the man a nod. Jeremiah couldn't do other than nod back thankful for his support.

"I don't know, what if she is playing us, pretending to be on our side to find more," Titus said while dragging one of his hands over his beard thoughtfully. Some mumbles break out between the bikers as they either agreed or disagreed with the statement.

"I agree with Ash. She has always been sincere around us and she told the truth about being with her dad that day. Either way, she has put herself in a bad position and if her lie gets caught we all together with her get in prison, she is covering us" Ryder said and look at his friend beside him, Ash only nodded to the statement. Titus looked over at the two bikers still caring his beard.

"But if the police department asked her to go fake everything it doesn't matter for her, we can not believe her," The biker said against the two on Evelyn's side. Ice took a step forward.

"I agree with Titus, Evelyn can be playing us all by stepping into our hearts and that could be damaging for all of us," He said and looked around the room for someone to say something against him. The biker didn't like when people disagreed with him so it wasn't always people who had the gut to say something against him. Jeremiah cleared his throat to get the attention of the inner circle.

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