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The sun was shining into Jeremiah's kitchen as he was standing cooking some breakfast for the club. It was Evelyn's free day today, and she was up early to find her way out of the mc. The thought of how she had moved around the kitchen around him as she kept the light talk alive made him smile, he could get used to her around him and that scared him a bit.

Now the only thing Jeremiah could hear was the sounds of bikers chatting and eating as most of them looked a bit hungover. The steam of the boiling eggs was blowing in J's face and the sound of hot butter smattering in the pan made him smile. The kitchen had always been his safe zoon, and to have a kitchen as lovely as this was amazing. He did have some changes he wanted to do but the budget he got wasn't enough for it so he let it be.

"Morning," A dark voice was heard in the hot kitchen and made Jeremiah turn around. There stood Ice with a straight back looking over at Jeremiah with his usually analytic gaze. The second in command was usually short in his sentences and said only things when he felt he should.

"Morning Ice, had a good night?" J asked and turned around to his stove. Even if most of the bikers were a bit scared of the commander Jeremiah knew he was a hella good leader.

"Always, how about you?" He asked, and Jeremiah turned around to look at the man. The suspicion Jeremiah had that he was smirking became proven when J saw his face. That smirk was rare so J knew something was up.

"I had a good night's sleep," J said, now narrowing his eyes on the man. He almost missed the sight he let out, but he held up his smirk anyway.

"Nice" Ice said and made a move to walk closer to the biker. His movements were full of pride and watchfulness. It almost reminded Jeremiah of a panther's way of demanding respect and sometimes fear from the animals around it.

"Zeus spoke to me this morning-" he began while reaching out to take a bit of bacon from a plate.

"- he asked me to tell you that he is ready to speak with you and to bring him breakfast" Ice said in no more than a business mood. Jeremiah suddenly remembered the request to speak with him a few days ago, it had not been done because Evelyn expected Jax to be close but now when she was replaced for a day that problem was out of the door.

"Okey, in his office or room?" J asked trying to not sound worried. Bikers had been weird around him lately and the looks they gave Evelyn only confirmed J's idea that everyone thought the two of them had something.

"Office" Ice had to groan when he got his fingers hit by the ladle in Jeremiah's hand. With a look burning with irritation, Ice left the room.

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