Chapter 5

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3 days later

Bella's pov

The whole way through the change I was screaming from the fire and thrashing about because the fire was to much for me but then close to the end of the change I calmed down a bit because I realised that my kids were in the truck with me and I didn't want to scare them or make them cry to much.

Then when the change was done I opened my eyes and I shot up and everything was so much clearer to me now I mean I could see better, I could move more faster and I could smell better to and from what I could smell I wasn't in the car anymore because I could smell a human and so I looked around the place I was in and it looked liked a house.

So then I stood onto my feet and I looked over at the mirror and I saw I was even more beautiful and that I had red eyes which was kinda great but freaked me out at the same time and then I remembered my kids and I growled at whoever had them and so I ran out of the room and I ran into the room where I smelt the human.

Then when I got to the room the smell of human blood got so much more delicious to me and I growled as I walked into a room which looked like a living room and I saw a woman playing with my 4 children and so I said angrily get away from my kids and the woman turned and looked at me and said as she got scared oh my I'm sorry.

So then I said yeah so am I and I ran at the woman and I grabbed her and went to her neck and sunk my teeth into her as I drunk her delicious blood right from her neck and once I was finished I growled and I said thank you so much and I dropped her to the ground and then I looked at my babies and I smiled and went over to them.

Then I bent down and I said as I took in that they looked about 6 years old even though they were only born 3 days ago you are all so beautiful I love you so much and my children said we love you to mama and I said how about we go eh I have a coven to build and Annabelle said crying mama I'm sorry.

As she said that I lifted her into my arms and said stroking her head you have nothing to be sorry for princess if anything you saved me and Annabelle said really mama and I said really princess and Annabelle said ok mama and then I looked at my other daughter and sons and said ok kids let's go and they all said ok mama.

Then they all stood up and we all walked out of this woman's house and we got into the woman's car and I opened the back doors and I put Annabelle, Anthony and Renesmee into the back of the car and I put their belts on and then I shut their car doors and I opened the passenger door and I lifted EJ into it and then I put his belt on.

As I put his belt on he said I can do it myself you know and I said laughing oh I know big boy but let me for now ok and EJ said ok mama and so then I closed the passenger door and I walked around to the drivers side and I opened that door and I got into the car myself and then I started the car and drove away from the house towards the first country were I would change the first of my coven.

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