Chapter 4

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Bella's pov

As I left my house I drove away from Forks and I just kept driving and as I kept driving I kept rubbing my stomach and I said I promise to never leave you and to always love you no matter what happens when I give birth to you and I swear that I won't let anyone harm you and I swear when I become a vampire I will make sure we have the best and largest coven in the world so that you are safe and sound.

Then after a while of driving I felt something in me change and I felt so much pain go through me so I pulled over to the side of the road and I turned the car off and as I did I felt the need to push and I knew I was about to give birth so I gasped and I screamed knowing I was going to have to do this myself and I knew I had no one to turn me so I knew my kids where going to be alone but I didn't care all I cared for was getting it out.

So then I climbed into the back of the truck and I lied down across the chairs and I pulled my jeans down and I held in a gasp and I started pushing and I kept pushing and screaming until I heard cries so so I smiled and I looked down and I saw a beautiful baby boy and so I said as I pulled him into my arms your my little EJ nothing will happen to you and then I felt the urge to push again so I did and I pushed even harder.

Then after I pushed and pushed I heard more crying and I looked down and as I did I saw a little baby girl so I lifted her into my arms and I said my little Renesmee your my little princess and then I started screaming because I felt the urge to push again but I knew I couldn't hold anymore babies so I sat up a bit and I lied EJ and my little Renesmee onto the passenger seat and then I lied down again and started to push and push.

As I pushed I felt so much more pain so I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what and so then I heard 2 set of cries and I looked down and I saw another little boy and another little girl and so I smiled and I lifted them both into my arms and I saw that the boy came out first and then the girl so I looked at the boy and I said your going to be called Anthony and then I looked at the girl and said you little angel are called Annabelle.

Then both the kids smiled and I knew that the pain was over so I knew that all my kids were out so I smiled and I sat up and I set both Anthony and Annabelle onto the chair beside me and as I set Annabelle down onto the chair she bit me twice and as she bit me I set her carefully onto the chair and she started crying.

As Annabelle started crying I threw myself down on the chair and I started screaming and thrashing about from the fire that was building up in me from the bite and right then I knew I was turning into a vampire but I was upset because my kids are all alone in the car with no one to watch them or feed them for 3 days while I go through the change.

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