Chapter 24

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5 months later

Bella's pov

It now 5 months later and the time for the fight has come and so here we all are standing in our meadow waiting for the Volturi while my kids are standing beside me and Edward and then after a few more minutes we see Aro, Cauis, Marcus and the rest of the Volturi all walk onto the meadow in their cloaks.

So then they stop and look at us and then we all listened as Carlisle and Aro talked to each other and Carlisle said Aro friend it's so good to see you again and Aro said yes of course you to brother but I'm afraid it's not on the best terms and Carlisle said yeah I know but Aro these children are not immortals.

Then Aro said what do you mean of course they are and I said as I walked forward no they aren't I had them when I was human in fact my youngest daughter bit me and turned me when she was born they are mine and Edward's children and Cauis said impossible no way and I said it's not impossible I'm proof of it and so are they.

As I said that Aro said even if this is true Carlisle friend you still broke the rules you let a human girl know we existed that is not aloud and Carlisle said yeah I know and we really are sorry for that and Marcus said well you can not be unpunished and Alice said if you want a war then you have it because I've seen it.

Then Aro said well then I see you've prepared and I said hell yeah we did because you have no idea how what I can do now that I'm a vampire and Aro said well then let's test you and then he shouted attack and so then all the vampires on the Volturi's side of the meadow all ran at us in fighting modes and so we all growled and ran at them to ready to fight with them like we had planned to do from the start.

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