Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

Once I got to the hospital I stopped outside and I breathed in but as I did all the human scents came at me at once and I wanted them all so badly that I had to actually punch myself in the gut to stop myself from going for them and so I took a breath and I held it in to stop the scents getting to me and I ran into the hospital.

Then when I got into the hospital I looked around the place and when I looked around I found a room which had 3 humans in it and so I ran into that room and once I got into it I stopped running and I stood still and as I stood still I looked at the 3 human hospital charts and I saw that the 3 of them were dying from a new kind of cancer.

As I found the reason for there sickness I looked at their names and age and I saw the girl was called Zoey and she was 19 years old and the woman was called Iris and she was 29 years old and the man was called Arthur and he was 32 years old and as I found their names and ages I smiled and I thought perfect these people will do.

Then once I had found the first 3 members of my coven I said I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do but it's the only way and then I ran vampire speed over to each of them and I bit into their necks, both their arms and both their legs and inserted my venom into them and as I did that the 3 of them started to scream.

So once they started screaming I knew I was going to need blood for them so thy didn't kill my kids so I ran out of the hospital room and I ran to the blood room and when I enter it I held my breath and then I ran over to the table and I grabbed a blood bag and then I went over to the blood cupboard.

Then I grabbed about 50 blood bags and I put them into the bag and I closed the bag and zipped it up and I threw it over my shoulder and then I ran back to to the hospital room were my new member were and when I got to the room I saw they were still screaming and thrashing about just like I was so I ran over to the 3 of them.

As soon as I got to them I grabbed the 3 of them and put them over my shoulder and I went over to the window and I jumped out of the window and I ran vampire speed the whole way back to my hotel with my 3 new members while holding my breath since I had blood bags in the bag on my bag and I didn't want to end up drinking them all.

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