Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

Once I got out of my hotel room I turned to face the vampires who had found me and I saw there was 6 of them plus Laurent so right then I knew it was the Denali coven and I knew they knew the Cullen's so I knew I was in trouble and so then Laurent said Bella it's you and I said yeah of course it's me.

Then Laurent said but how did you become a vampire and how are you now pregnant anymore and I said well Laurent I gave birth to them about 5 days after you left me in that meadow and I'm a vampire now because when I gave birth to my youngest daughter Annabelle she bit me and I turned.

So then Laurent said ok I understand that but why are you turning people when you have your kids to think of and I said well when I saw you that day I told you I wanted revenge and I'm still hell bent on getting it and Laurent said why Bella they left you fair enough but why do you want revenge on the one family that ever loved you.

Then I said because he left his kids without a father and he must have known I was pregnant because you did and then before Laurent could say anymore a man said excuse me but can we stop for a minute for the rest of us to introduce ourselves to this young girl Bella so that she can talk to us and not just you Laurent.

So then I said as I pointed to each of them there's know need I already know you all like I know your Eleazar, your Carmen, your Irina, your Kate, your Tanya and your Garrett and Eleazar said well then I take it the Cullen's have told you about us and I gasped and then Carmen said oh don't worry dear we won't tell the Cullen's we have seen you.

Then I relaxed and said thank you very much I don't want them to know about the kids because if they do they will come and find us and I don't want that not yet and then Garrett said Bella if I may ask what size are the child and I said well even though they were only born 7 days ago they look like they are now 7 years old.

So then Garrett said as he had a shocked face on him wow that's amazing and then Tanya said yeah it is but we are here to tell you that you can't hunt humans in our territory and I said ok fine I won't anymore anyway once the 3 I have just changed wakes up I will be gone within 5 days after that.

Then Kate said as she smiled well Bella it was nice to meet you I hope we meet again and I said yeah me to and then I turned around and I opened my hotel room door and I walked back inside and closed the door after me and I noticed the kids were still asleep so I walked over to the chair in the room and I sat in it and I lifted a magazine and started reading it as I waited for my 3 new members to wake up from their change.

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