Chapter Two

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It had been about three months, and the pack was growing stronger.

Amethyst was growing closer to a large gray wolf.His name was Yama.

He was pretty nice, and he was fond of Amethyst, so Xena liked him.
He had never tried to hurt her, which was good.

She had grown much closer to Terra and Fierce.
Even Kokoro was treating her more kindly.

Xena yawned, stretching her hind legs.
Her mother's spot was cold, meaning she was probably out hunting.

Xena trotted out of her den, blinking at the bright sunlight in her eyes.
It was warm, the sky was blue; birds were flying high in the sky.
The nice sunny day was promising lots of prey.

Ghost was lying beside Naya, basking in the sun.

Boulder was with his mother Tala.
Tala was lying on her back, her legs stuck up in the air, and her tongue out.

Terra and Kokoro were wrestling around at the edge of the camp.

Fala watched with one eye opened.
She was Tala's sister.
Fala was a young wolf, with gray fur.Xena had been introduced to her a few months ago.She was very nice.

Xena was trying to decided if she should go see Terra, or find Fierce, when a hunting patrol arrived.

Yama was in the lead, carrying a hare, and Amethyst,Cole, and Taza were in the back, carrying a large moose.

Ghost stood up and walked over to them."Amazing catch,"He smiled.Then he added, "I wish my pup could be that useful."

Yama dropped his hare in the growing pile of prey, and raced to help Amethyst carry the moose.

"It was hard work! It took all four of us!"Cole exclaimed, setting down the moose's hind leg to take a gulp of air.

"Amethyst did really well."he added, his eyes shining as he gazed at Xena's mother.

"You did well too, Cole.The way you were herding the moose towards Taza!"Amethyst dipped her head in a friendly way.

Yama snorted, stalking off towards a sunny spot.

"I don't think Yama likes Amethyst hanging out with another male wolf, especially since Cole seems to like her."said a voice in Xena's ear.

Xena yelped, turning to see Terra, with Kokoro right behind her.

"Yeah, he seemed really upset,"Xena replied.

"Yama is a big jerk!"Kokoro spat.

"No he isn't!"Xena protested"My mother likes him, so I do too!"

Kokoro rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Terra shook her furry head. "Boys will be boys,"she giggled.

Xena grinned. "I like you, 'cause you're funny."

Terra grinned back. "Well, I do try my best.Now let's go get some grub!"Her eyes sparkled.

"Race you! Last one there has to lick a snail!"Terra yowled, racing ahead.

Xena dashed after her,with Kokoro right behind her.
Terra finished in first place, Xena in second, and Kokoro in third.

"Wait! No fair, I wasn't ready!"Kokoro protested, growling.

"Too bad, so sad!"Terra taunted, shaking her tail at him.

Then Xena piped up. "You guys just pretend to fight, right? You really do love each other, don't you?"she asked curiously.

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