Chapter Fifteen

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Xena yawned,stretching and padding out into the camp clearing.

It was a chilly day,and the leaves were slowly drifting down from above.

Amethyst was giving out patrols near the edge of the camp.

"Ah,I see Xena is awake! Go hunting with Kokoro and Terra."The gray wolf instructed.

"Sure,"Xena smiled"I just have to let Mitzi check my wound first."

She made her way to Mitzi's den,looking  around camp on her way.

She saw Yama sharing a blackbird with Suki near the kill-pile.

Boulder,Clyde,and Fala were chatting near Mitzi's den.

"Hey guys!"I called to them as I headed into the den.

"Hey Xena!"Clyde replied cheerily.

Boulder smiled at her.Fala gave her a friendly nod.

Entering the den,Xena spotted Mitzi sorting herbs.

"Hey,"She called to the med-wolf,who looked up at her and smiled. "I'm here for the checkup!"

Mitzi looked over her wound,then nodded,seeming satisfied. "You're free to go,but still be careful,you don't want to open up the wound."

"Thank you!"Xena barked,heading back outside.

She joined Kokoro and Terra right by the exit. "Let's go!"

Terra nodded,leading the way.

Kokoro fell back to walk beside her. "I have to talk to you..alone."He murmured.

Xena tilted her head curiously. "About what?"

"You will see,come on,"He nudged her,then spoke to Terra. "Xena thought she heard something coming from over here,so she and I are going to check it out.We will be right back."

"Okay."Terra shrugged,focusing on a beetle that had landed on her nose.

Kokoro led Xena a ways away,then faced her,his face serious. "Xena,I have something to tell you,I have been meaning to tell you this for a while now...,"He murmured softly.

Xena twitched her ears. "What is it?"

"I...,"He suddenly felt nervous,his throat dry. "I..Really like you,like,like like you...,"He smiled at her. "And I was wondering liked me back?"

Xena's eyes widened in shock. This was not what she was expecting!

But her heart was torn between him and Fierce.

"I..I don't really know,I do like you Kokoro,but I also like Fierce."She blinked at him.

"I-I understand...take your time.....but make it soon,I can't wait forever."

Then he padded back toward Terra.

I followed slowly,confused and deep in thought.

What will happen?

Question:Butterflies of Bees?

My opinion:Butterflies!

Sorry this is extremely short, around 460 words,I have just lost interest in this book,so,one more chapter and this book is 'complete'.

Sorry if you were enjoying this book,but your welcome if you really hated it!(although I don't know why you made it this far if you didn't like it)

✌️ ❤️ Bye Babes!

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