Chapter Eight

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Xena trotted around camp,noticing that everybody was happier than before.

Mitzi was still slightly upset,but she felt happier because Fierce was okay.

Xena lied down beside her mother,closing her eyes.

The warm sun warmed her back,fighting off the cold that the ground gave to her fur.

It was getting much colder.

"Yama,I just can't're both amazing." Amethyst sighed,resting her tail on Xena's back.

"It's a nice day." Her mother murmured,turning to her daughter.

Taza bounded over,a squirrel in her jaws. "Look! I caught it!"She beamed.

"Woah! That's bigger than the one Ranger caught!"Xena gasped,opening her eyes to see it.

Amethyst grunted in agreement.

Taza bounced away to tell the others,her tail wagging quickly.

Yama frowned, "How hard is it to pick between us?"He muttered.

"You're both amazing!"Amethyst protested,nipping Yama playfully on the paw.

Xena heaved herself to her paws,tired of Yama's constant bickering.

"They're always fighting over Mother,"She grumbled. "I barely get to talk to her alone!"

She dashed over to where her group was playing.

She noticed how big they all were,and realized she was just as big.

"I can't believe we have grown so much." Xena stated,looking at her paws to see if they seemed bigger.

"I know! I didn't think Kokoro could get much fatter!"Terra teased,her eyes glimmering with mischief.

"Hey!"He growled in protest,pouncing on his sister and pinning her down,biting softly on her scruff.

This was the side of Kokoro that Xena liked best.The caring,playful,gentle side.
Although he was fine the way he is.

Suki had been quiet,staring off into space.

Boulder seemed to notice as well."Suki,what's wrong?"

Suki shook his head,getting rid of the thoughts. "Nothing.."He mumbled.

Boulder sighed,licking and chewing on his tail.

"It's just girl problems.."He murmured,so quiet only Xena caught it.

Did he mean her? Or Terra? Or somebody else?

She inched her way over to sit beside Suki.

"Who is it?"She whispered smoothly.


"Who do you like?"She pressed,a tiny smile plastered across her face.

"Errr....I think I kinda like Terra.."He stammered.

"Aww!"Xena smiled.She nudged his side.

He flashed her a tiny,nervous smile.

"But what if she doesn't like me?"He gulped.

"Then she doesn't"Xena shrugged. "Terra is confusing."She cast a playful smile at the black wolf,who was circling her brother.

"I'll just wait and see I guess."He shrugged.

"Sounds good." Xena nodded,closing her eyes go enjoy the day.

She cocked her ears,listening to the sounds of the forest.

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