Chapter Three!

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As they got closer they started to pick up the scent of wolves.

"He is close."she whispered.

Kokoro nodded, his eyes narrowed to slits.
"I hear talking, be quiet."he whispered back.

Xena,who was used to being told what to do,crouched down low to the ground,grass tickling her muzzle.
She peered through the bushes, and held back a gasp.

Fierce was hiding behind a large, reddish furred female wolf.

There was a pack of huge black wolves facing them, their lips pulled back in snarls.

"You can have him! Just stay away from my pack!"The red wolf growled.

"That's Fierce's mother, Kaye.She is part of our pack but usually doesn't hang out there."Kokoro murmured thoughtfully.

"Is she going to give Fierce to those mean wolves?!" Xena cried, but was silenced as a furry paw was slapped across her mouth.

One of the wolves turned its massive head to stare at the bushes they were in, it's eery gaze remaining on them for about half minute, then returned looking at Kaye.

"Fierce, be a good boy and go with this pack.You will be keeping your old pack safe...and Xena."Kaye comforted gently.

Xena felt Kokoro stiffen beside her.

Suddenly she felt herself leaning into Kokoro's warm body.
And to her surprise, he didn't pull away.

"A...aren't you going to push me away?"she asked, her voice quivering.

"Uhhh....I'm really cold right now.."he mumbled.

Fierce was now being shoved toward the pack of big wolves.

"Your new home is with us!"Howled the biggest of the black wolves.

"And my name is Ayuna."she added, her eyes gleaming.

"We will teach you many how to destroy, kill, and have real fun."Ayuna grinned, showing red, blood stained teeth.

Fierce was shivering from fear."I..I don't wanna go!"he yelped.

"Let's go.We can't do anything now."Kokoro sighed.

Xena gave a measly nod. "Goodbye, Fierce."she murmured.

Kokoro let her lean on his shoulder as they walked home.
It was getting late and the pack must be worried sick.

"My mother is going to kill me."Xena sighed.

Kokoro laughed, then his face fell.
"My mother won't care, nor my dad."


"I'm not important."He hung his head.

Xena never knew he could be so small and sad.

"You're important to me, Kokoro! And don't you forget it!"she yelped, covering his ear in licks.

He sighed. "Thanks..but I know you're just saying that.A beautiful wolf like you would never like me."He pushed ahead to camp,grinding his teeth as he went.

Xena noticed that neither Ghost nor Naya went up to their son to ask if he was okay.

They came up to her instead.

"Xena! Where have you been? Where is Fierce?"Ghost pressed, standing in front of her.

Mitzi, a female wolf, came bounding over to stand beside Ghost.

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