Chapter Eleven

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"Arr! How can I tell them Kokoro left the pack!!?!?"

Xena and Terra both gasped,causing Fierce to look outside.

He narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"Y-you weren't supposed to hear that,"He mumbled. "But it's true.."

Xena felt tears stinging her eyes,but she entered his den,sitting in front of him,Terra right behind her.

"Tell me everything....please?"Xena whispered,voice hoarse.

Fierce gave a weak nod."So Kokoro invited me into the forest,"He began,his voice growing more steady as he went on. "So I went with him,and he started growling at me for...stuff,"He paused,taking in a breath of air. "A-and then he started to attack me..and I asked him a question and he freaked out,causing him to run away."

The girls just stared at him,unsure of what to say.

"We have to find him then!"Xena decreed,standing up.
"And I'm taking my crew with me! Without one,we are small!

Slight determination shone in Fierce's eyes,and he nodded."Let's go!"

Terra grinned. "Yes! More adventures!"

Xena bounded out of the den,looking around the camp for signs of her friends.

Suki was hard at work,pulling a long log out from in front of Ranger's den.

"Suki!"Xena yelped,running to stand beside him.

He set down the log,panting heavily. "W-what?"He gasped,flopping on the ground.

"We are going on an adventure to get Kokoro back!"She smiled widely.

"He was gone?"Suki asked,confusion,clear as day,in his eyes.

"Yes,I'll explain on the way!"She replied,already nudging him to his feet.

"Ranger! I'll be back in a little bit to finish with the log!"He called over his shoulder,as they ran towards Boulder's den.

They all crowded inside.

Boulder was sitting on the floor of his den,playing with a small toad,which was jumping around crazily.

"Hehe!"He giggled.He looked up,noticing them there. "Hey! I'm coming,"He stood,seeming to already know what was happening."What are we doing today?"

Xena smiled at him,then her face turned serious. "Saving Kokoro,I'll explain on the way.Fierce,take the lead."

Fierce bounding ahead,leading the way towards the entrance/exit of the camp.

Suki and Boulder slowed to walk beside Xena.

She started explaining to them what happened,not knowing as much about it as Fierce.

By the time she was done explaining,they were nearing the pond.

"This is where we were arguing,"He winced at the sight of small beads of blood lying on the ground"I didn't want to hurt him,but he was attacking me!"

Terra snorted"My brother can sometimes be super stupid,"She grinned"But I still love him,mostly."

Xena sniffed the spot where the blood was,picking up Kokoro and Fierce's scents.

"Let's smell and see if we can follow his scent trail!"Xena barked in excitement,lowering her nose to the ground again.

She sniffed deeply,then started to slowly follow his smell through the forest,her crew behind her doing the same.

"I've lost his scent!"Xena growled in frustration,lifting her nose from the ground.

Terra stood beside her,sniffing the ground"Yeah! It's like it vanished!"She blinked in confusion.

Fierce bounded over,head lifted high to drink in the smells of the forest."If we can't smell Kokoro,see if you can smell something that might lead us to him."

Boulder and Suki finally caught up,cocking their ears to listen.

Suddenly a sharp howl split the air,causing Xena to cover her ears with her paws.

"Ah!"Boulder shrieked,doing the same.

Fierce and Suki got on both sides of them,trying their bests to protect the others.

Then a bunch of wolves started pouring into the clearing,and stood around watching them.

And one of them was Kokoro.

Sorry,this one was a bit shorter than the others! Around 650 when most others are over 1000

Question:Do you have super annoying siblings?

My answer:Yes!!

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