Chapter Nine

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Ghost's head flopped down onto the ground.

"No! Ghost!"I screamed,running to crouch beside him.

He smiled weakly,before going still.

Naya let out a loud howl of grief and pain.

Xena pounced on Ayuna,biting down on whatever she could.

Her vision was blurry,and she felt warm blood splatter across her face.

"Careful Xena!"She heard somebody shout,before the world went dark.


Xena woke,cold and in pain.

Her fur was matted with blood,and her shoulder ached.

She looked around,seeing she was in Mitzi's den.

Kokoro and Terra were sleeping a few ways away.

She watched them,smiling softly.

Then the memories flooded her head.

She gasped,nudging Kokoro's side.

He woke with a grunt,lifting his head to look at her.

"Wha-..Xena! Your okay!"He got to his feet,nudging her muzzle playfully.

She giggled."Is everybody okay? Did we win?"She tried peeking out the den entrance.

"Their....okay.We won tho."He shrugged.

Xena just then noticed he was wounded.He had a bloody cut down his side,sure to leave a scar,but it was covered in herbs and cobwebs.

"That looks painful."She whispered,pointing with her muzzle at his wound.

"It's fine,"He shrugged,wincing at the pain."It looks worse than it feels."

"I'll be back soon."She smiled,heading out of the den.

She noticed it was extremely quiet out,not a squeak of a mouse or hoot of an owl.

She choked back a whine as she spotted the limp form of Ghost lying in the middle of the camp.

Wolves gathered around him,sleeping or watching the sky.

She crouched beside Ghost,shoving her snout into his fur,whimpering slightly.

He had always been sort of like a father to her.

Amethyst muttered something beside her,causing her to look at her mother.

Xena smiled as she noticed that her mother looked happy,despite the stuff going on around her.

A/N:Who should become Amethyst's new mate? Cole or Yama, or neither?

Naya was lying beside her mate,watching his dead body with sadness in her eyes.

"Naya,"Xena inched closer to the black wolf."Does that make you our new leader?"

Naya nodded sadly"I wish he was still alive.But the world isn't fair Xena,we must be brave,"She licked Xena fondly on the ear.

"But I must choose a new deputy,and I'm not sure I know who yet."She closed her eyes.

"Take your time Naya,"Yama spoke,from beside her."We will wait as long as you need,decisions like this shouldn't be rushed."

Surely she would choose a senior wolf like Yama?

"Thank you Yama,"Naya smiled weakly"Now get some rest,we still need patrols and food,"

Yama nodded,heading off to sleep.

"Same goes for you Xena."Naya nudged her back toward Mitzi's den.

"Okay,see you tomorrow Naya."


Xena yawned,sunlight pouring though the hole in den,warming Xena's fur.

Terra woke beside her,stretching.

"Good morning Xena,"Terra yawned,blinking rapidly."Where did Kokoro go?"She looked around,not spotting her older brother.

"I don't know,"Xena replied,also looking around"Mabye hunting or patrolling?"She shrugged.


Mitzi entered the den,carrying more herbs and cobwebs.

"Here,chew these and stick them on your wounds,"She instructed,pushing the herbs toward both girls."Where is that boy?"She snorted.

"We don't know,probably hunting."Terra replied.

Mitzi grunted"His wounds won't heal if he doesn't keep it easy.If you see him tell him to come to my den."


Xena picked up the herbs,chewing them.

"Eww! They taste disgusting!"Xena stuck out her tongue.

Terra giggled beside her,chewing her own herbs.

Mitzi frowned"Deal with it!"She snapped,her eyes clouding with worry.

"Sorry,"she apologized."I'm just worried about Naya,what if she isn't a good leader?"

Terra looked sympathetic"It will be okay,she will have help from her deputy."She comforted.

"I wonder who she will choose?"Xena piped up,having spread all the herbs onto her wounds.

"My guess is Yama,"Terra scratches an itch  before continuing"Because he has been close to Ghost and Naya for like,forever."

Xena nodded slowly"Or mabye Taza?"

"Mabye,"Mitzi murmured,seeming half  lost in thought"Although she might chose Kaye,just saying."She shrugged.

"We really have no idea."Xena stated."But I think we will find our soon."Xena smiled,as she heard Naya calling the pack for a meeting.

The three wolves bounded out of the den,gathering around the other wolves.

Naya stood upon the rock,gazing down at the wolves with her pretty eyes.

Her fur was newly groomed,and her eyes sparkled with a bit of excitement,but still clouded with grief.

"As you all know,Ghost died yesterday,"She started,closing her eyes and whimpering softly.Whines and whimpers arose from the pack."And as his beta/deputy,it is my responsibility to become the new leader and choose a deputy/beta for this pack."

She seemed nervous,but making it through.

"So,the new deputy/beta of this pack will be......"


Question:Who is your fav character in this book?

My opinion:Imma have to go with....Either Xena(duh) or Terra.


Bai ❤️

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