Chapter Sixteen/Ending

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16 months later~~

Xena yawned,getting up from her nest.

She walked out of her den,and lied down in the sun.

Three wolf pups raced over to her, howling and barking happily.

"Mama! Mama! Guess what!!"The smallest of the three,Sara,giggled,smiling up at her mother.

"What my precious?"Xena nuzzled her daughter affectionately.

The two bigger ones,her brother and sister,grinned.

"We caught a lizard! We all worked together!"Sushi,the middle child,and the only boy,barked.

And the oldest,Serena,puffed out her chest,saying, "I chased it over to Sushi, who chased it toward Sara,who killed it."

"That's wonderful my pups!"Xena smiled warmly at them.

"Where's papa?"Sara whined,scraping a paw over the ground.

"He is hunt-" Xena was interrupted as Kokoro,Suki,Amethyst and Yama pushed through the entrance,prey in their mouths.

Kokoro dropped his prey,hurrying over to his family.He nuzzled Xena's cheek. "Hello beautiful."He whispered.

Sara staggered forward to cuddle her papa,who licked the small pup on the head.

"Papa! We caught a lizard today!"Sushi barked,pouncing on Kokoro's tail.

Serena,being the more quiet of the three,just smiled softly at her father.

"I can't wait to play with Terra's pups!!"Sara squeaked.

Xena glanced at the pregnant wolf,who was lying in the sun,her swollen belly rising and falling as she breathed.

Suki was crouched beside his mate,speaking to her in a hushed voice.

"I'm so worried for her,"Xena murmured,whispering in her mate's ear. "She seems like she is pregnant with 100!"

Kokoro chuckled. "She will be fine,we have one of the best med-wolves in case something goes wrong."

"You're right."Xena sighed.

Yama glared at Cole,who greeted Amethyst,licking her muzzle.In the end,Amethyst chose the more gentle one of the two to be her mate,leaving Yama jealous and angry.

Boulder waddled over,Fierce by his side.The white wolf had stayed pudgy,but became slightly more muscular as he got older.Fierce and Xena stayed close friends,hanging out and having great times together.

'Life is good,'Xena thought. 'Life is great.'

Question:Baths or Showers?

My opinion:Showers,although sometimes baths are nice.

Thee end! I really enjoyed writing the end :) and I chose who I thought was best for my Xena. ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this book,and thanks to everyone who read this!

Have a great life and stay safe!

Bye Babes ❤️!!

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