Chapter Twelve

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A brown furred wolf stepped forward,its eyes gleaming."What do you want?"It asked,its voice dangerously quiet.

"We were looking for our friend,
Kokoro."Fierce stepped forward to meet the wolf, standing in front of Xena and her friends.

"What business do you have with our newest member?"It asked them curiously.

Kokoro pushed through the wolves to stand beside the leader.

"It's okay,let me talk to them,"Kokoro avoided their eye contact,nudging the wolves side."Please Jubi?"He begged,seeing the brown wolfs reluctance.

"Fine,but be quick."He nodded,turning and walking a few ways away.

Kokoro followed the group a little ways,then sat down on the musty ground.

"So?"He cocked his head to the side,staring at them.

Xena cleared her throat, "We didn't know what happened,and I wanted to know if you were okay".She whispered.

Kokoro shot Fierce a dirty look,then flashed Xena a smile. "I'm good,"He swiped his tongue over his muzzle,yawning. "But if you must know,I was tired of Fierce being annoying."

"Ouch,"Fierce grunted sarcastically."I'm hurt."

Terra stepped forward,shoving Xena aside harshly,anger in her eyes. "Kokoro! This is not okay! You can't just leave! You didn't tell anybody,you didn't tell ME!"Her eyes were watering,nearly crying.

"I thought we told each other things,turns out I was wrong."Terra turned,bounding through the bushes.

Jubi sent the group a glance,then slowly padded over."What's wrong,and don't say nothing,I saw the way that wolf looked as she ran away."He gazed sternly at them all.

"Kokoro is being annoying and glaring at me,Xena is trying to help,Terra got angry at him and ran away and Boulder and Suki are just sitting there in silence."Fierce informed.

Jubi raised an eyebrow. "Is that so,"He murmured,his voice smooth and slow."Is what he says true..Xena?"The wolf leader asked.

"Pretty much,Jubi was it?"She wondered.

"Yes,"He gave a small nod. "That's my name,don't wear it out."He grinned.

Then he turned more serious,facing Kokoro. "Talk to her,"He pointed with his muzzle to Xena. "She will understand.The rest of you,come with me."

Suki,Boulder and Fierce followed Jubi,while Kokoro reluctantly got to his paws,indicating with his tail for Xena to follow him.

They got father into the forest and Kokoro sat down,facing Xena.

"I'm sorry!"He blurted,his voice nervous."For everything."He closed his eyes.

"W-what do you mean?"Xena squeaked.

"For attacking and saying bad things about Fierce,for running away without saying goodbye,for being rude to you when we were little.The list could go in forever."He shrugged,opening his eyes to look at his paws.

"Kokoro,I don't care about all that stuff,I'm just glad you're okay."She pressed her muzzle against his side comfortingly.

"T-thanks Xena.."He muttered nervously.

"So,how did you find this pack?"She asked,pulling back.

"I followed the scent I found in the woods."He shrugged.

"They're leaving tomorrow and heading far away,I was going to go with them,"He chuckled at Xena's sad face. "But I don't think I will."He added,causing Xena to smile with relief.

"Then let's go home!"Xena shouted,grabbing his tail in her teeth softly and pulling him,he just snorted, following her.

They arrived back in the clearing,and found Jubi.

"I decided I'm leaving the pack."Kokoro blinked apologetically at the leader,who only shrugged in return.

"I knew you would,"Jubi smiled warmly. "Friends are better than anything in this cruel,cruel world."He sent Kokoro a wink.

"Thanks for understanding."Kokoro sighed with relief.

Then together,the five headed towards camp,deciding what to tell Terra when they got back to camp.

This was also shorter,around 670.

Question:Who do you think Xena end up with?

My opinion:I don't really know,they all seem good  🤗

Also,we are getting close to the end! :( :/


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