Chapter Ten

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"The new deputy/beta of this pack will be...............Amethyst."

Xena's eyes widened,as she looked over at her mother.

Her mother was crying happy tears,shock written clearly  on her face.

Xena barrelled into her mother,happily licking her face and ears.

"Oh mother! I'm so happy for you!"Xena howled.

Amethyst gazed at her with loving eyes. "Thank you, Xena,I will try to be the best deputy/beta I can."Amethyst decreed,lifting her head to stare at Naya.

Naya nodded,grateful she choose right."I'm glad to hear that,now let's get going with the day,Amethyst,say the patrols."Naya ordered,as she padded to her den.

Amethyst nodded,turning to the gathered wolves.

"Cole,take Tala and Fala and go bury Ghost.Taza,Mitzi and Ranger,go hunting.And the rest of you fix up the camp."

Amethyst was turning out to be a good deputy/beta already!

Wolves started leaving camp.

"What should we do first?"Terra asked Clyde,who was standing beside them.

"Hmm...mabye gather moss,feathers and other soft things for nests? Or fill moss up with water and pour it in the camp to wash away the blood."He shrugged.

"Okay! We'll take Boulder!"Xena smiled,bounding over to the chubby wolf.

"Hey, Boulder! Wanna come get moss for nests with Terra and I?" She asked,skidding to a stop in front of him.

"Okay,just gimme a moment,I'm finishing up this black bird."He grinned,gulping the bird up.

"Let's go."He stood,following the two girls out of the camp.

|~~|><|~~|Near the pond|~~|><|~~|

"You're such a slug!"Kokoro snarled at the orange wolf. "You're a monster!"

Fierce ducked his head,to avoid the snapping jaws of Kokoro.

"I'm sorry! Chill dude!"Fierce grunted,dodging a swipe of claws.

"Then stay away from Xena! You don't belong here, flea-bag!"

Fierce whimpered,caught off guard by the mean name.

"That's offensive! I'm offended!"Fierce whined.

"You're a wimp!"Kokoro snarled,his body only a little bit smaller than Fierce's.

"Y-yeah,well I'm bigger!"He retorted.

Kokoro scoffed, "So what?!"

Then they both fell silent."B-but I like Xena too."Fierce mumbled. "Shouldn't we let her choose?"

Something flashed through Kokoro's eyes,but was gone to quick to tell.

He growled,a growl full of hate and longing. "No! Because I know she will choose you! I mean nothing to everyone! Not like you! We were sad when you left,but nobody would be if I did!"Forcing back tears,he bit his lip sharply,and ran away,not looking back.

|~~|><|~~|Back at camp|~~|><|~~|

Terra entered the camp,mouth stuffed with moss,Xena right behind her,mouth stuffed with feathers.

"Hm hhhut da jrackpet(we hit the jackpot)!"Terra mumbled,words muffled because of the moss.

Xena giggled,placing her feathers down.

"I haven't seen so much!"Suki welcomed them,having just cleared away the broken branches that had been trampled during the fight.

"Thanks! We found it attached to the big oak tree."Terra explained.

"Cool!"Suki smiled,staring at Terra for a moment before bounding away to continue working.

"Wonder where Fierce and Kokoro are,"Xena pondered."I hope they are okay."

Terra nodded. "Let's put these things in the nests."She bounced away,her tail swishing in the air.

Xena picked up a bundle of feathers,and headed into a den,scattering them along the sleeping spot,then did it again and again till she was out of feathers.

The sun had fully risen,and was starting to go back down by the time they were done completely.

Xena panted,lying down in the shade beside Terra,who was also panting.

"You did good,you're growing into wonderful young wolves."Amethyst nuzzled them both affectionately.

"Thanks, mother."Xena grinned.

"Yeah,thanks Amethyst!"Terra smiled.

Then they turned their heads to see the entrance,as Fierce walked into camp,his head low and ears and tail drooping.

Xena got to her feet,and walked to meet him.

"What's wrong, Fierce?"She asked him,sniffing his fur to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"N-nothing!"He stammered,jerking away.She was left in shock.

He never pushed her away!

"A-are you sure?"She muttered.

He looked sad. "Yes.Now bye."He left to his den.

"That was weird,"Terra snorted,coming up beside her friend. "He never acts that way,or pushes you away! Something must be wrong."Terra frowned.

"And we're going to find out what."Xena grinned, heading to his den.

Terra followed behind her.

They stopped right outside his den,lying down and pricking their ears to hear.

His voice was muffled and quiet,but they could still hear it.

He seemed to be pacing around his den.

"What do I do? What do I tell them? How do I tell them? Who do I tell first?!"He growled in confusion.

Xena shared a look with Terra,meaning 'what is he talking about?'

But their question was soon answered.

"Arrr! How do I tell them Kokoro left the pack!??"

Dun dun dunnnnnnn

Question:what is your dream pet?

My opinion:Horse!


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