Chapter Four

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Xena stretched, yawning loudly.

She was lying beside her mother in their den.

She tried not to wake Amethyst as she got up and walked out.

A few wolves were already up and about, enjoying the lovely day.

It was a little bit colder than yesterday,but not much.

Xena headed over to were Ranger and Suki were play fighting,and sat down to watch.

Halfway through,they noticed her watching.

"Wanna join us?"Ranger asked.

"Yes thank you!"She replied.

Xena leaped into the fight, barreling Suki over.

He let out a small yip, and then chomped her playfully on the tail.

Ranger leaped in as well,cuffing them over the head gently.

He was a bigger wolf,with brown fur and blue eyes.

He was very nice.

His pup, Suki, was just as nice.

He had his mother's gray fur, but she  died giving birth to him.

They play fought for a little longer,before it was time for some food.

"I'm starving after that!"Suki exclaimed, panting loudly.

"Same!"Xena agreed energetically.

Ranger barked a laugh"Then let's go eat, a hunting group will be back any moment."

They headed over to the spot that they put the prey, and settled down to wait.

They had only waited about ten seconds before wolves came through the bushes.

Cole came at the lead,his black fur soaked to his skin.

He looked very small with his fur plastered to his body like that.

"What on earth?"Ranger mumbled.

Cole was carrying a blackbird in his jaws.

Behind him came Mitzi, also soaked, carrying a small mouse.

Then to finish off the hunting group, came Taza, and Fala, carrying a small deer.

They were the only dry ones.

Ghost bounded out of his den,stopping to check the group.

"What's happened?"He rumbled,slight concern and slight amusement  in his deep voice.

Mitzi spoke up."I was chasing a squirrel, but lost it up a tree, and then i backed up...and fell into a puddle."She explained,grinning sheepishly.

"And then I came running to help...and slipped in as well."Cole added.

Ghost eyed them carefully"You might catch a cold, go warm up and put your prey in the mound."He instructed,turning and heading back to his den.

They did as told, and filled the eating mound with food.

"Yum!"Suki licked his lips.

"I want the blackbird,Haven't had one of those in a long time."Ranger said, as he bit into the blackbird.

They decided to leave the deer for the others,who needed it more.

Suki choose the mouse, and Xena choose a small squirrel that was already there from yesterday.

They ate in silence,only broken by wolves coming through the camp entrance.

In the lead was Naya, her head held high and regal looking.

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