Chapter Fourteen

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"Does any wolf object of Kokoro becoming a Big?"

Kokoro looked nervous,shifting his paws as he sat.

Xena looked sympathetic.

Not a wolf spoke.

"Then Kokoro,your new rank will be,Kokoro a Big,"Naya smiled proudly down at all the newly made Bigs."I'm proud of you,"She jumped off the stump."Now we feast!"

Every wolf howled happily,heading over to the prey pile and sitting around it.

The new Bigs followed,and sat in the middle of the gathered wolves.

"Like always,"Naya began"The newly made Bigs get first choosing of prey."She stood back,watching as they all choose their prey.

Fierce chose a plump black bird,Suki chose a sparrow,Boulder chose a squirrel,Xena chose an elk leg,Terra chose a rabbit and Kokoro chose an elk leg.

They sat down to eat,and the other wolves got their share.

"This is delicious!"Boulder remarked,digging into his squirrel with a happy whine.

Xena giggled,chewing on the bone of her elk leg."Mine was good,too."She agreed.

Kokoro,who was to her left,grunted in agreement,having also had an elk leg.

After they all finished eating,they started a conversation.

"I was really nervous some wolf would object,"Kokoro admitted,resting his head on his paws. "It was scary."

Xena nodded."I didn't realize how nervous I was until Naya was saying my name."

Terra snorted teasingly. "I wasn't scared,every wolf adores me!"

Fierce rolled his eyes. "I guess I was kinda nervous,"He shrugged"But I assumed that no wolf would object."

"Why were you nervous?"Suki questioned,having stayed silent most of the time.

"Well,"He lifted his head a bit. "I just thought they might be a little reluctant to make me a Big 'cause I just got back from leaving and joining another pack."

"That makes since,it's reasonable you were worried."Terra cocked her head thoughtfully.

Amethyst sat down beside them. "Almost time for you guys to get hunting or patrolling."She murmured,staring fondly at Xena.
"Meet me over with the others in a minute to discuss patrols."
Amethyst got up,heading over to the gathered wolves.

"One more thing,"Terra squealed excitedly"I heard Fala is pregnant!"

Boulder's eyes widened"I didn't even know that! My aunt is pregnant!?"

"Yes,with Clyde's and hers pups!"Terra grinned,her tail twitching happily.

"That's great news!"Xena barked,her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"They're due in a four weeks I think."Terra got to her paws,heading to the others.

Xena followed,her group behind her.

Xena noticed that Fala's stomach,was indeed a bit bigger than before,and would soon become large and plump with pups.

Xena slid up next to the grey she-wolf,smiling kindly,"Congratulations!"She whisper shouted.

Fala glanced fondly at her. "Thanks."She whispered back.

Clyde stood beside her,smiling widely.

Amethyst stood in front of the wolves. "Yama,take Mitzi and Suki and go patrol around the lake,"She instructed."I'll lead a hunting patrol,Clyde,Xena,and Fierce come with me,and for the rest of you,relax around or go for walks."

Yama immediately went to find Mitzi and Suki,and the three headed out.

Amethyst came over to Xena,Fierce beside her.

"Let's go,"The beta barked,leading the way through the forest.

Clyde took the rear.

Fierce padded alongside Xena,chatting in a low voice.

"I'm going to catch a squirrel!"He grinned.

"Yeah well,I'm going to catch two squirrels!"Xena stuck out her tongue playfully.

He stuck his tongue out as well.

Amethyst's tail twitched,indicating for them to stop.

She nodded her head in both directions,and they spread out to circle around the prey.

Xena pressed herself to the ground,inching along until she was in place.

She looked at the animal that was being hunted.

It was a lone buck,most likely kicked from its pack.

He was grazing contently,not aware at all of the wolves stalking him.

She glanced at Amethyst.

Her mother was inching forward,bunching her muscles to leap.

Xena did the same.

Then,all at once,the four wolves erupted from the forest floor,springing forward to latch onto whatever they could of the buck.

He let out a fearful grunt,and started bucking his back legs and swiping his horns.

Xena dodged his horns,only to be stabbed sharply in the side with his hoof.

She fell onto her side,panting,before talking a deep breath and getting back up.

She leapt back into the hunt,clawing at the buck's side,and biting his legs.

They could all tell he was getting weaker,for he was getting slower and more clumsy.

Finally,he fell on his side,and Amethyst sank her fangs into its throat,killing it and pulling them out again.

Xena spat out the blood from her muzzle,and grabbed ahold of a leg,all the other wolves taking different legs.

They started back home.


They got there in about 5 minutes,and Xena dropped her deer leg,panting and tired.

Her mouth ached and she was exhausted from hunting.

Yama's group had returned,and Mitzi came over to Xena.

"You look wounded,"The she wolf stated,concern flashing in her eyes. "Let's go to my den."

Xena nodded,following her as she led the way to her den.

Xena flopped on the floor as Mitzi started making a mix of herbs.

"It's a wonder you understand all that herb stuff,"Xena murmured thoughtfully."I would never understand it all."

A/N:Mitzi is the healer/med-wolf of the pack,but she still hunts and patrols like every other wolf.

Mitzi barked a laugh, "It can be difficult at times,even I forget things."

Xena's eyes widened. "You do?!"She exclaimed."I didn't think you ever forgot anything!"

Mitzi's eyes glittered with amusement. "Well,every wolf forgets some things."

"True,"Xena rested her head on her paws."I forget lots of things,sometimes
even important things.But my friends help me remember."

Mitzi crouched beside her,and spread the chewed herbs onto Xena's fur.

"This is just to make sure it doesn't get infected,it looks a little puffy.What did you cut it on?"

"The buck's hoof."

"Yeah,there could be anything on his hoof.Come back tomorrow."She said,as she wrapped the wound with cobwebs.

"Alright,"Xena got to her paws"Thanks Mitzi!"

She bounded out of her den,more than ready for sleep.

^>^ hope you liked this chapter :3

Question:Pie or Cake? 🎂 🥧

My opinion:Cake! I love ice cream cake 🎂 🍰

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