Chapter Six

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This is bad.

Very bad.

Kokoro seemed to realize it as well.

"Wasn't Ayuna the name of leader of Deathly pack?!"He howled,staring fiercely at Xena.

"Yes! You figured it out too?"She replied.

"Yep.I thought they had left! This is bad!"

Suki and Terra shared a confused look.

"What...?"Suki mumbled.

"Nukpana,is Fierce!"Xena explained"And that means the bad wolf pack is living extremely close to our home!"

Terra's eyes widened."We have to tell Ghost!"She exclaimed.

Suki nodded.

"Hopefully he doesn't get angry at Kaye!"Xena fretted,pacing slightly.

"Why would he?"Kokoro cocked his head.

"Well,Kaye gave Nuk-Fierce to the Deathly pack so that they would leave us alone,but they aren't leaving us alone,meaning that Kaye's plan didn't work."She explained.

They all nodded their heads slowly.

"Makes sense."Suki grunted.

"Then let's go!"Terra growled,bounding towards the camp.

They all followed,breaking into a quick run.

They entered the camp,and looked around.

The whole pack seemed to be enjoying the nice day.

But Xena noticed one thing.

Amethyst wasn't there.

"Hmm...must be in her den sleeping."She mumbled with a shrug.

The group headed towards where Naya and Ghost were lying around.

"Ghost,"Xena dipped her head respectfully.

"Xena,"He smiled warmly."What can I do for you?"

"We found Fierce...and the bad pack is close...closer than we thought." She winced.

Ghost stood up,alarming pouring off him in strong waves.

"What!?"He let out a sound that sounded like a mix of a whimper and a growl.

Naya also looked alarmed,and was half sitting half lying down.

"We must go and see what they want.."He said slowly,narrowing his eyes.

"But what if they attack us?"Naya wondered.

Ghost didn't respond,deep in thought.

"Naya and I shall speak about this,send Yama to my den."He instructed.

They nodded.

"I'll get Yama!"Suki said,bouncing over to where the gray wolf lay under a pine tree.

"I'm going to go look for my mother."Xena smiled,heading towards her den.

She poked her head in."Mother!?"She howled,her voice echoing off the walls of the den.

She flattened her ears and ducked back out,looking around the camp.

"Mabye Cole will know."She muttered.

She walked over to where he was laying beside Mitzi.

"Cole,have you seen Amethyst?"She asked him.

He tilted his head,thinking.

"Not since yesterday no"He replied"Why?"

"No reason"She whispered,slowly walking towards the entrance to the camp.

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