Chapter Thirteen

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They arrived at camp a little past moon high,tired and carrying prey.

They had stopped to drink from the pond and to hunt.

As they entered the camp,everyone looked at them,curiosity in their eyes.

Naya walked up to them,her eyes worried. "Where is my son!?"She fretted,pushing gently past Boulder to get to Kokorko,who looked slightly embarrassed.

She covered him in licks,smothering him with her love. "You're alright! All of you!"She sighed in relief.

Amethyst bounded out from her den,eyes warm,and stopped beside her daughter."You were brave to have went and got him."She murmured,her voice soft and caring.

"Thanks mother,"Xena grinned,rubbing her head against her mother's side."Where is Terra?"

Terra slowly made her way towards them,leaving her spot near the prey pile.

She gazed at Kokoro,her face revealing nothing."Glad you're back,"She grunted,her gaze harshly sweeping over the rest of them."Decided you didn't want to stay with your new pack?"

Naya looked slightly confused. "What pack?"

Kokoro sighed, "I left to join this new pack in the forest,and they were about to leave the territory when my friends came to get me,"He took a break to breath some air,before continuing. "And Xena and her friends persuaded me to come back,so I did."

Naya nodded. "Okay,but the wolves are leaving? Not a threat?"

"Yes,I think."He shrugged.

Yama stalked out of his den,glaring at them. "What is the meaning of this noisiness!?"He demanded."Some of us are trying to sleep!"

His gaze softened slightly when he looked at Amethyst,but still remained upset.

"I'm terribly sorry,but Kokoro has returned,and his friends."Naya spoke,her voice slightly strained from trying not to snap.

Yama snorted,before heading back into his den,his tail flicking irritably.

"Ignore that grumpy-fur."Naya chuckled. "And for the rest of you,"She turned to look at the couple of wolves in the clearing"They are safe,you may sleep."

Ranger yawned,flicking his tail in a friendly way,before heading to his den to sleep.

"Now get some sleep,it's been a long day for you,"Naya instructed."Kokoro,

Xena yawned loudly,heading towards her den with Amethyst right beside her.

She barely heard the quiet whispers of the two as they talked.

Xena collapsed on her bed of leaves,sighing happily.

She eagerly let sleep take her.


A cold breeze woke Xena,and she stretched,sitting up.

"Morning,"A weak murmur came,and Xena blinked in surprise to see Terra crouched beside her,eyes closed."I just came to say I'm sorry I got upset."

"That's okay,you're forgiven,"She smiled,curling her tail around her paws to keep away the cold."It's getting really chilly."She mused.

"Hmh."Terra agreed.

Heaving herself to her paws,Terra made her way outside,Xena following.

Xena blinked in the bright light of day,swallowing back a whimper as she stepped on a sharp rock.

"Today is an exciting day,"Terra began,her voice growing happier.Xena cocked her ears,eager to learn why."Today we are becoming Bigs!"She howled.

A/N:'Bigs' are like Warriors.

Xena gasped."What an honour!"

"Yeah! Let's go tell the others!"Terra squealed,running over to where Suki was sleeping.

"Suki! Wake up!"Terra screamed,pouncing on him.

"Ahh!"He shrieked,jumping to his feet with a start.

"W-what?! What's happened!"He blinked rapidly.

"Today we are becoming Bigs!"Xena and Terra shrieked in unison.

Suki grinned "This is so exciting!"

Boulder,Fierce and Kokoro walked up to them.

"Did you know today-"Boulder started excitedly,before being interrupted by Terra yelling, "Is the day we become Bigs!"

Boulder giggled. "Yeah!"

Kokoro seemed nervous,shifting on his paws.

"What's up,Koko?"Terra questioned him,catching his look.

"Well,the pack has to except us as Bigs,"He scuffed a paw across the ground. "And they might not vote for us to become Bigs,we might be stuck as 'Pups' forever."

"Thats nonsense!"Xena flicked her tail in his face,making him sneeze.

"Well,we'll find out in a minute,"Boulder shrugged,pointing with his snout to Naya,who was climbing onto the tree stump."Let's go!"

They headed over,and waited patiently as Amethyst sat down beside the stump,looking up at the Alpha.

"We are here today to make some Pups into Bigs,"She began,glancing warmly at them. "Make a circle around them."

The wolves of the pack gathered around the group of 'Pups'.

"Does any wolf object of Suki,becoming a Big?"The mighty black wolf asked,her gaze questioning as she glanced at everyone.

Not a wolf spoke.

"Then from now on,Suki,your rank is,Suki a Big."

Suki let out a grunt of happiness. "Yes! I'm no longer Suki the Pup!"He grinned,bounding over to Ranger to sit beside the wolf.

"Does any wolf object of Boulder becoming a Big?"Naya continued.

Again,not a sound.

"Then Boulder,your rank will be,Boulder a Big."

Boulder beamed,puffing out his chest with pride.

He ran over to Tala and Fala.

"Does any wolf object of Terra,Xena and Fierce becoming Bigs?"

Again again,no wolf spoke.

"Then your new ranks will be,Terra a Big,Xena a Big and Fierce a Big."

They all howled in excitement.

Xena sat down beside Amethyst,Terra beside Naya,and Fierce beside Mitzi.

"And last,but not least,"Naya smiled at her son"Does anyone object of Kokoro becoming a Big?"

This was the moment that Kokoro was waiting for.

Will he become a Big?

Will someone object?

Cliffhanger! Again :)

Question:Favourite Food?

My opinion:Pizza! 🍕

Bye ❤️

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