Chapter Seven

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Xena leapt back,surprise in her eyes.

"Fierce!"Xena gasped.

Fierce looked at her sadly,then his face turned cold"My name is Nukpana!"He snapped,shaking his head.

The black wolf beside him smiled evilly,it's dark eyes shining with pride.

"Yes,he is Nukpana,not Fierce."The wolf spat out his Nukpana's former name like it was poison.

"Who are you?"Terra wondered,stepping forward so she was standing in front of the wolf.

"Azazel."He growled.His voice was creepily deep.

"We are here to talk to Fie-Err Nukpana."Suki piped up.

Azazel raised an eyebrow"And why should I allow that?"He snorted.

"Because...ummm...just because!"Boulder squeaked,then backed up until he was behind Kokoro.

"Just leave and let us talk to him death breath!"Kokoro snarled,pulling his lips back to reveal sharp white teeth.

Azazel looked slightly shocked,then let out a hoarse,amused laugh.

"You're a feisty one aren't ya?"

Kokoro glared at him,stepping closer to Xena.

Azazel scoffed,turning and walking a out of hearing range,then settling down to watch them.

Fierce sat down,sadness in his eyes.

"I can't return,no matter how bad I want to."Nukpana/Fierce closed his eyes.

Xena stepped forward and rested her head against his"I-I understand.You will be missed though Fierce."She murmured.

"Is Deathly pack planing on attacking us?"Suki blurted.

Fierce opened his eyes in surprise"No.Why would we? They have me."He replied.

"We just thought,that because they didn't leave,they wanted more from us."Terra shrugged.

Fierce/Nukpana lifted his front paw,scratching his ear before answering."They are content."

"Are you?"Xena asked softly.

Fierce/Nukpana went quiet,his eyes narrowed in thought"No,"He answered finally,letting out a long sigh."But what I want doesn't matter,wishing and hoping never gets a wolf anywhere."

"There are things I miss about my old pack,"He stated.

"And things I do not."He added.

"So your not coming back?"Boulder whimpered.

"I...I don't know Boulder."Fierce/Nukpana admitted"I don't think I'm aloud."

Azazel came back and stood beside Nukpana."Time to head back."The large wolf grunted,resting his tail on the other wolfs back.

Fierce had grown a lot since he left,and he was more muscular.

Nukpana nodded,then licked Xena on the shoulder,before leaving with Azazel following closely behind him.

"Well that didn't work as planned."Suki stated the obvious,once the two wolves were out of sight.

"Hmm,"Xena mumbled,deep in thought.

Terra sat in front of her"Penny for your thoughts?"(My sister loves this saying xD).

"I'm just kinda sad..I miss Fierce."She smiled weakly.

Terra nodded"He was a good friend."

"A best friend."

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