Leaving so soon

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       A/n heyyy so! My uploading schedule is gonna be absolute shit, cause school and stuff but I'll try to do once a week or once every two weeks!
Also boundaries- don't compare me to other authors i know I'm not the best author but y'all don't need to hate on me :) I am a minor so don't expect mature writing but it's not a for sure no. Also don't expect long chapters, just probably a bunch of short chapters.
Uh I'd also prefer not getting vent comments you can always message me privately if you need to talk but other than that enjoy and make sure to eat and drink water <3

" Niki," I whined, gripping her arm tightly
"  don't leave mee," she frowned and let out a small laugh, shaking her head,
     " y/n you knew this would be a short visit, I have places to go," I nod understandingly, letting go of her arm. She heads back into the extra room she had been staying in, returning with her suitcase in hand. I let out a dramatic sigh and start my faking crying,
      " oh but now who will eat my ice cream and watch movies with me till 3am!" Niki laughs causing me to laugh with her breaking my fake sadness. 
      " y/n you need to find a roommate," I glare at her only cause her to laugh more.
       " I know,"
        " what about George? Wasn't he looking for a roommate??" I nod, agreeing with her.
       " he was but I think he just got a roommate- Wilbur something. I don't know I can't remember" Niki and I make eye contact. She shrugs tilting her head- a sign she was thinking.
" What about the boy from the coffee shop?" It was my turn to laugh
"The homeless kid? Niki your kidding! He could be a murder for all I know!" She scoffed , shaking her head at me disapprovingly.
" Y/n! That's not overly nice. I'm sure he could really use the help, even if you just let him stay with you till he gets a job-"
I cut her off, looking down at my watch.
" Oh would you look at the time! Looks like we have to get you on your way,"
I grab her bag from her hand and head out the door. The wheels of the suitcase getting stuck on the stairs. I could feel Nikis eyes in the back of my head, ignoring her constant 'silent judgment'
     " okay well your ride should be here in a few minutes," I say stopping, she come up from behind me giving an awkward hug.
" I'll miss you," she mumbled into my ear, I smile and nod against her neck.
" also think about what is said," I push her away jokingly.
" okay yeah! Whatever," I smile and give her one last hug before pushing her off,
" your rides here," a blue Toyota pulled up parking in front of my apartment. Niki nods and head to the truck, the drive had popped open. She heads for the back seat giving me one last wave. Then she was off.

* time skip*

I get out of my car, coffee in hand. My head was pounding, meaning I was gonna be in a bad mood. I continued walking to my work, as a cashier at a candle shop.
Was it my favorite job I've ever had? No. Did it pay the best? Yes it did. I was making $15 and hour and I worked 5 days a week for 4 hour shifts. Did I live comfortably? No I was broke. I was doing the math in my head when I ran into someone.
" Hey!? What the- watch were your going how about?!" I looked up.
" of course it's you," I mumbled, the guy looked at me clearly confused.
" I'm sorry? Wait. Your the girl from the coffee shop right?" I nod.
" yeah I am" he smiles- or at least I think he did, he still wore the white mask only allowing me to see his green eyes. I think back to what Niki said, not even believing I was thinking about it,
" hey I have a question,"

Word count 696 :)

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