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         " your asking if I want to stay with you?" His eyes lit up, I tug at my sleeves for a sec not able to make eye contact.
         " Uh yeah, but if not no worries my friend actually gave me the idea- so.." I look back up. He looks honestly over joyed, he ran his fingers through hair slightly tugging on it.
          " I think- yeah I'd like that," his smile was clearly noticeable under the mask, causing me to smile just a bit.
          " I'm y/n, you are?" I put my hand out for him to shake.
           " Clay- but I'd rather you called me Dream," I nodded.
           " yeah of course... uh here how about." I paused for a sec tryin to figure out how he was gonna stay with me.
           " can you just follow me to my work and I can give you the address and Emmy extra house key I have?" Dream smiled and then gave me a quick nod.
            " yeah sure," I start walking up the street, by the time we get there I'd be late, 'ohh boy- it's that just great!' ( a/n what words are in 'italics' its y/n's thoughts)
            " it's just up here," I informed Dream. We continued walking for another three minutes. Stopping in front if the door. Luckily I didn't have first shift- so it wasn't my responsibility to open shop in the morning.
            " Morning Cait!" I yell to the girl in the employee's only part of the store. There was only two people in the store, and they were regulars- so they were used to me yelling. Cait was taller than me only by a few inches, with shoulder length curly red hair and green eyes. She had freckles too but she normally covered them up with makeup.
           " Y/n?! Why are you late? Your were supposed to be here  eight minutes ago!" She said coming out from being the counter. She stopped dead in her tracks.
            " whose he?" She pointed at Dream with a smile price gun (a/n idk what it's called but you use it to stick the prices of items onto the item)
           " whoa there Cait he's not a candle! He doesn't need a price tag," I laugh at my own joke.
           " uh anyway this is Dream! My roommate," Cait studied him for a few seconds before shrugging it off. Placing the price gun down she put her hand out.
          " Nice to meet you Dream! I'm guessing y/n wants you to be on the friends and family discount list?" I shrug.
          " sure- although I doubt he'll be buy a lot of candles," Dream laughed a nervous laugh and turned to me.
          " bold of you to assume I don't like candles," I bite my lip ' great-'
          " right sorry," Cait smiled and grabbed my arm,
          " well loved meeting you Dream but y/n has to get to work," she says, slightly shooing him away.
        " one sec Cait," I rip the corner off a piece of paper on the rest and quickly write my address on it, digging into my backpack pulling out my spare key.
        " there you go! Don't break anything!" And with that he was in his way.

A/n hey! Hope your enjoying this, I know I ignored the upload schedule but I have a four day weekend so I thought might as well write some more! Make sure to eat and drink water <3 love you all!          Word count 574 :)

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