Work called but im sad

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Tw- weed, death, abuse, depression, SH
Dreams POV-

         " So your dressed up why?" I ask laughing a little bit, George was asleep in my chest in the back seat of the car.
          " Because y/n here needed to get out more so I dragged her to a dance lesson, we're of course they were struck by our talent and invited us to a ball," I just laugh more hoping to not wake the sleeping man.
            " how was your trip?Other than your car being stolen?"
            " it was good- at first then I ran into my ex and it kinda sucked from then on but George really needed this break," Wilbur agreed from the front seat.
            " your ex?" I nod.
             " yeah not really in the mood," and we just leave it at that. I play with George's hair the rest of the ride. Wilbur drops George and i off, explaining that he had been staying in my room while we were gone so it was best if we stayed at George's. I agree and carry George up to the room. I unlock the door and George wakes up groaning.
               " Sorry babe," George grabs my waist pulling himself closer to me. I little surprised at the sudden action I wrap my arms around him.
               " you okay?" George doesn't answer slightly worried but I just assumed he fell back asleep. I hold him for a little bit longer till I feel my shirt get wet. I pull George away and he just looks away tears flood his eyes. I'm now in full panic mode but i make my self stay calm. I cup his face in my hands making his face me. He still doesn't make eye contact.
                 " M' fine, sorry I don't want you to worry," my heart drops at his quivering voice. I pull him closer.
                  " George, please talk to me, I love you and I want to help you,"


I rub my thumb on George cheek in a comforting way.
               " when I was a kid..." I started just trying to get my lovers attention.
               " my uh parents weren't the best- you know? My mom was mental abusive and my dad was physically. I was told being gay was bad and my dad yelled at me when I would talk about the boys in my class even if it was in a platonic way,"
         At this point George had look up at me his face softened . I smile a little.
                " when I first told you about my dad I honestly felt like throwing up.. my parents bring back bad memories and that's why for a long time I hid my face, I'm a spitting imagine of my father,"
              George placed his hands in my hair tugging the ends a little as I spoke. In a weird way it was comforting.
                 " I hated myself every day till I met you, and that's why I completely trust you with my life- you know my name and my face, all I really can ask for is your story. Not even all of it just tell me why your sad.. please,"
               George sits up kissing me aggressively. I pull away  licking my lips. George whined a little before rolling his eyes.
               " but your story- was deep and mine is just lame.. I feel so weak and pathetic compared to you! I mean you've over come trauma and lived in the streets then got a really cool roommate who kissed you and then we started dated you know?? My story is just,"
                 He quiets down a little bit. noticeably biting his cheek. I grab his waist edging him on silently.
               " I grew up in England the poor part might I add. My mom and dad were the definition of love at first sight. They were truly made for each other. But on my fifteenth birthday my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer," I nod and kiss both his cheeks.
               " my mom died a few months later and my dad was super depressed. He made us move and claimed it was for work. I didn't move out until I knew my dad was okay, which was only five years ago. I met y/n and Niki and they adopted me a small British boy with social anxiety and they accepted me like I was normal," he looks up his voice breaking a little bit.
               " But Dream.. Clay I'm not normal I used to have panic attacks all the time until we met, and I used to be so addicted to weed, I can't remember a time in my early 20s when I was sober. Wilbur is the reason I stopped.. I'm sorry," and with that he broke down. Non stop tears flowing down his cheeks. I just hold George in my arms rocking his back and forth.
                " I still love you," my own tears start to fall. George looked at me one more time drying his tears.
                 " I- I feel the same...Dream one more thing," he pulls up his sleeves and that's when I see them, scars litter his upper arm.
              I pull away and roll up my sleeve showing him mine. I kiss his forehead.

                 " Me too Georgie... me too,"

A/n I'm sorry this was a lot! I love you guys.. please eat and drink something! Work count is 888 <3

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