Date night pt. 2

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a/n Heyy so I just realized I like forgot some of the key important parts I was gonna add to last nights chapter!! But I'm re write the whole night from y/n and Dreams perspective.. don't expect it to be a long chapter- last chapter was just special lol- listen to song at beginning!

Y/n POV-

( I suggest re reading the Ending of chapter 5)
" Dream you ready?" No response, I step closer towards the door of his room.
" Dream?" I knock on the door, waiting a few seconds before knocking again.
" Wha-?" The door opens leaving me surprised, I let out a laugh and Dream instantly apologized.
" look y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know you were standing right there!" I laugh even more, why? I don't know I've always laughed at weird or little things. I step back, take a deep breath. 'Jesus christ' He was attractive. He was wearing a black button down shirt and jeans.
      " you look," I choke on my spit,
     " you look good," he smiles, running his fingers through his hair.
     " really?! Thanks! You do too- green is definitely your colour," blushing lightly at the compliment and smile.
     " oh I have just the thing for you- it will tie the whole look together," I rush back to my room, opening my jewelry box pulling out the rings that weren't stolen.  I run back to his room.
     " okay give me your hands," his gives me a skeptical look, but gives me his hands anyway.
     " okay there you go," I said sliding the rings on his fingers. I pay his shoulder smiling.
     " Now go grab a jacket it's cold out there," he nodded and disappeared into his room. He returned with bomber varsity jacket. I actually gave that jacket to him, it was my brothers- but I was glad Dream was wearing it, it was dark green so it matched with me.
" Perfect- now let's go," I said grabbing my wallet on the way out. We get in the car and I go and hand him the aux cord.
" what?" I laugh and hand him my phone which already has Spotify open.
" what do you want to listen to?" I shake my head.
" whatever you want?"
He paused, then typed in something then paused again before playing the song

I might need you or I'll break

The sky was turning dark and the city lights were shining. I roll the windows down smiling.

Are we too young for this?

Dreams hair was flying in the wind- almost dog like. That's it! He reminded me of a dog. The way he was always excited at the little things, wether you congratulated him or complimented him. He always seemed happy.

Feels like I can't move,
Sharing my heart,
It's tearing me apart

The cars zoomed past us, the song blaring out the speakers. I wish my days we always like this. Not that I'm saying I don't have good days, but I don't get dressed up a lot. It feels nice.

But I know I'd miss you,
Baby, if I left right now

We arrived at the place. Early but I always prefer to be early than late. Dream unbuckles his seat belt.

Doing what I can,
Tryna be a man,
And every time I kiss you baby,
I can hear a sound.
Oh breaking down (breaking down)

     " they're here!" I nod turning off the music and the car.

Dream's POV-

I swallow my spit. First, a guy who I assume is George's roommate. He was tall, curly hair, glasses.
     Then, George. He was- how do I put this in word. He was stunning, his hair was even more fluffy just like clouds, and the ends even had the slightest of curl. I move my eyes down. A skirt, he was wearing a skirt.  He was too far way for me to  see the little things, light the blush in his cheeks- or the freckle on the bridge oh his nose. The eyeliner he wore.
     " hey guys," I fix my mask. This night was gonna be something. George smiled up at me. We all head into the building. I stop walking as y/n had to check us in. George who was behind me, runs into me.
      " Oh sorry!" He said. I look down with a smile.
       " your all good!" He smiled. I smiled back but of course he couldn't tell. I looked down, his hands moving to the hem of his skirt pulling it down. I touch his arm.
      " the skirt looks great on you," he blushed.
      " but people are looking, I knew I probably should wear a skirt- but," I stop him.
       " hey, don't say that- you look great, the skirt really fits you," he turns his face away. I hear Wilbur laugh a tiny bit, but I ignore it.
       " guys our tables ready," y/n says walking over to the booth, the rest following close behind. We all take a few minutes to order drinks and food. Minutes pass and the table is at a silence.
        " So Dream..?" I perk up. Wilbur had just spoken.. to me.
        " yes?" He smiled a bit.
        " what do you like to do?" I sat in my thoughts for a couple minutes.
        " I uh- hm...I play Minecraft, I enjoy cooking?"  I pausing trying to think of more.
       " oh Minecraft?" I nod
        " George plays Minecraft too," I look over at George he had seemed to be spaced out staring off into the distance.
        " George? Earth to George?" He blinks and we make eye contact, before he turns his head to face Wilbur.
        " Dream was just saying he played Minecraft," George's eye widened.
        " oh uh nice- we should play some time," I nod in agreement.  Y/n smiles as our food come and joins in one the conversation.
      " I play too!" We all smile. ' feels good too know I have friends'  we ate our food and drank in a nice friendly laughing and smiling.
      " so Dream?" I look up at Wilbur.
      " hm?"
      " what's with the mask," I freeze. Its not like he always hid his face, I mean hell I was eating in front of them- not like they were paying enough attention to my face.
      " Whoa Wilbur," y/n sits up.
      " it was just a question," I shake my head.
      " it's fine, not like Im keeping it hidden," I pull my mask down and smile.
      " I just prefer the keep it on," I pull my mask back up and over my nose. We finish our food and continue talk for a little bit longer. We all get up after y/n paid, and headed outside.
       " it's a lot colder than i thought," George giggled, I turn to him already taking my jacket off.
       " oh no I can't" I roll my eyes.
       " you can and you will," he nods and takes the jacket from my hands putting on. He mutter out a " thanks" giving me another small smile.
      " well we better get going!" We all nod and start getting off on our own way.

a/n so uh this was a long chapter 😅 hope you enjoy! Eat and drink something I love you guys!! Byeee! Word counts is 1203 <3

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