Call in sick I guess

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a/n Heyy how are you! Is your day well? :) this chapter is in, Dream, George and a tiny bit Wilbur possibly.

George's POV-

    " Wilbur i feel sick," I groan. My nose was stuffy, my throat hurt, my eyes were red. I pull the phone closer to my ear.
    " George I don't know how to help you when I'm in a whole other state," I cough, my head was pounding.
     " Curse y/n for have two tickets to * random band*," Wilbur laughs on the other side. I hear y/n's voice faintly in the background.
     " okay I have to go, y/n asked Dream to get soup and he's gonna bring it over- okay?" Dream? Coming over? I look and feel like shit. Before I can answer he hangs up. Well looks like I just wait.
       I curl up in a ball on the couch with my tissues and cough drops. The tv playing  the first movie in the " Hunger Games". I start dozing off when of course there is a knock at the door.
       " ughhh," I roll off the couch, walking to the door. I look up after opening the door. Dreams standing there a bag in hand a smile that quickly fades to a frown look at me.
      " oh poor Georgie- come here," rolling my eyes  I let Dream in and follow him to the counter.
       " here I've got you some medicine and chicken noodle soup," he pulls everything out and gets me a glass of water. Uncapping the medicine he pours me the right amount sliding across the counter over to me.
       " thanks," I take it and down it in one go. Dream replaces the medicine with the hot soup.
       " eat up Kay? I'll be right back," I nod and he leaves. I blow on the soup taking bite after bite. Dream returns, and I'm just starting to finish my soup.  
       " hey so I ran you a nice hot bath, then after that we can just chill and watch a movie. Oh also I hope you don't mind but I laid out some clothes for you on your bed," I smile a weak smile, pushing the bowl away from my body.
      " thanks Dream," he just nods and hums, taking the bowl and placing it in the sink. I get up and head to the bath room.
      The place smelled like lavender and the mirror was all fogged up. Un dressing I get in and let the warm water cover my body. I sit soaking for a long time before deciding to clean my body and hair. I get out. Drain the water, wrap a towel around my waist and head into my room. A pair of black sweats and a hoodie. It's not my hoodie tho, not Wilbur's either. Shrugging I put the clothes on and walk out.
      Dream looks up from his phone smiling. He scoots over on the couch patting the spot next to him. I walk over and collapsed on the couch, sinking into the cushions.
      " my hoodie looks good on you," I blush ' oh of course it's his hoodie' I laugh.
      " oh thanks- it's very warm," he smiles proudly and grabs the remote passing it to me.
      " your the sick boy- choose what we watch," i roll my eyes.
      " you don't have to stay- I don't want you getting sick," i look at him, then at the tv clicking on Netflix.
      " but I want to! I like taking care of people," he leans onto me, our heads touching.

Dream's POV-

He was so cute. His nose was red and stuffy. It broke my heart to see him sick. He put on some random tv show, and snuggled up with a pillow. His hair was wet and wavy. I'd kill to just run my fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead just to make him feel better.
      " mm tired," he mumbled, putting the hood on his head up. I turn down the show and scoot father to the other side of the couch so he could have more room.
       " wait. Can you just stay here? You can sleep in my bed," I laugh
       " what about work?" That's right I got a job, I wasn't gonna let y/n pay the bills and get food.
       " Call in sick I guess? Pleaseeee," I smile. I couldn't say no to him.
       " hahah okay well in that case. But your sleeping in your Bed," George groans and sits up grabbing my waist, hugging me.
        " Thanks Dream," my face turns bright red.
" of course now come on let's get you to bed," I pick him up and carry him to his bed.
" sleep well Georgie," I pat his head and walk out the room turning off the tv and laying down.

* time skip to later that night*

Georges POV-
I wake up feeling like I was gonna throw up. I get out of bed quickly trying to make it to the bath room. I didn't make it. I sat there my stomach hurt my face was hot my head pounding. The door opens, Dream is standing there his face full of concern.
" Aw George, how you feeling," I feel dizzy but I feel that if I speak I'll just throw up again. So I just shake my head.
" okay come here," He helps me stand up, letting me use him for support.
" let's get you in the shower, your lucky your bathroom Has both," he laughs walking me over to the bathroom.

Dreams POV-
" you okay being in here alone," George looks at me and shakes his head. I bite my lip.
" okay here," I sit him down on the toilet,
" sit here, and I'll go grab you a swim suit that way I can stay in the bath room with you," George agrees, telling me where to find the article of clothing. I walk back handing it to him so he could change then stepping out.
" okay I'm good," I walk back in and start the shower, I look over at George. He looks cold, his skin was pale.
"Okay come here," I lift him up and place him down in the shower. I keep the door open and help him get comfortable. His back was facing me, so I grabbed the shampoo. Pouring a little bit of shampoo into my hand in start to wash George's hair.
" is this okay?" He nods, his face started to re gain color, i rise his hair out and put my hand to his forehead. I pull away for probably a few seconds and George clutches his stomach in pain.
" hey it's okay," I rush back to him, rubbing his back. He throws up two more times before he started to feel better. ' glad I stayed the night' once the color in his face came back completely, I bring him into Wilbur's room laying him on the bed, after he had changed into fresh clothes. I get him water and a bowl in case he has to throw up again.
" okay here you go drink up," George takes the water, drinking it in sips.
" can you stay here tonight?" I laugh.
" I already am," he shook his head.
" no like in bed with me?" I blush, he hid his face in the sleeves of the hoodie he was hoodie he was wearing. I nod and move to the other side of the bed.
" okay sure, I'll stay with you," he smiles and lays down on the pillow snuggling close to me. I wait till I know he's asleep before closing my eyes myself.

a/n okay well I wrote a lot! I hope you liked this chapter. It was more dnf, so I hope you enjoy :D word count 1292 <3

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