1. ceremony

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You tie your hair back in a bun and fix your outfit as you walk into the village. you are there to visit. You kept in contact with your parents through letters. they missed you so much as you are their only child. they would visit you every so often but you made a successful business in the city. You knock on your old home.

"Quién es ?" you hear your dad's voice

"it's (y/n) Pa. " you say

The door quickly opens and quickly pulled into a bear hug. you laugh and hug back. you haven't seen your dad in 2 months.

"ah mi hijo i missed you. " he tell you and kisses your cheek.

"I missed you too pa. where's mami?" you ask

"She's just getting some things before we get ready to go to the Madrigals house. the youngest Madrigal Antonio gets his gift today. " he tells you.

You nod and go inside.

"you want to come with us?" he ask

"you know what ,why not. sure. " you said as you sit down.

Your parents haven't told anyone what happen to you. most people think you disappeared and some think you died since you was so scrawny. You can't wait for them to see you now. you really want to see Isabela, no matter what you always have love for her. She was your first everything.

{Time Skip to the party}

Your parents left before you and you went to the party after since you didn't want people to know you right away. you look familiar but people can't put their finger on it.

"hola Casita. " you whisper and Casita waves as if it remembers you.

you smile and put your hand on the door frame for a minute before going inside. You smile when you see all the flowers. Isabela's work. You remember all the flower crowns she made you growing up. You bump into someone.

"sorry... Lulu hey. " you say smiling when you recognize Luisa.

"the only person to call me that is... (y/n)?" you hear Luisa say confused

"yeah." you say

You are taken in a big bear hug. you hug her back and laugh. she lets go and looks at you.

"jeez you got muscular. Before I think i would've broken you with that hug. " she says looking at you.

"yeah the city straighten me up. " you say smiling small

"we have to talk but later. I have things to do. " she said to you before running off.

You watch her and see a lot of people coming in. You hear a familiar laugh and your heart stops. you scan the room and see Isabela on the dance floor of course. she's dancing and smiling. God have you missed that smile. Someone grabs your arm and pulls you to a corner. You look and see Dolores.

"wow Luisa was right you are muscular. " Dolores said looking at you.

"si Lola. It's been a while since you all seen me. " you call her, her old nickname.

"I just hope you don't let Abuela see you..well let her know it's you. " she says before she hums and walks off

You watch her then look back at the dance floor to see if you can see Isabela. You don't see her.

"ugh where is she..." you mumble to your self.

You decide to look around a bit. you can't find her which is surprising since people love being around her. You sigh and go get a drink. You reach for a cup and your hand brushes against someone else's.

"sorry-" you and the person say at the same time

Your (eye color) eyes meet deep brown ones that you use to get lost in. she looks at you and then her eyes widen.

"no.. it can't be. " she says shock

"Mi flor hermosa " you say low enough for just her to hear.

She quickly walks away. You know you can't make any kind of scene here so you watch her walk away. You see her steal a glance at you. You look down sadly. You don't know what you expected her reaction to be. Maybe she thought you left her. You sigh and lean against the wall. You feel a hand on your arm. you look and see your mom.

"hola mami. " you greet her.

"Isa grieved you and now i think she's just shock. " she tries to reassure you.

"yeah... this just wasn't the best place for me to approach her. it was dumb of me. " you tell her and look at your feet.

"just try to enjoy yourself or you can always go home. you know your room is ready for you. " she tell you then kiss your cheek.

You watch her go to your dad and he grabs her to dance. you smile small watching them, at least they are in love.

Soon Antonio gets his gift and you decide to leave. You bump into Mirabel on your way out.

"sorry Bella. " you say not thinking

"(y/n)? " she said

then a tile falls. Your eyes widen and see cracks. you get nervous and just run out. You don't know why but tonight you got too over whelmed. you don't know what to do or what how to feel. Your body is on auto pilot as you go to your childhood home.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now