3. jealousy

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You heard of Mariano attempting to propose to Isabela. You heard that Mirabel apparently ruined.  You have to thank her for that and her a gift. You go to a near store to look for some stuff to make a gift for Mirabel. You can't find what you are looking for so you leave the store. You sigh and then in the distance you see the Madrigal house isn't there and there is a lot of dust clouds.

"the Madrigal house has fallen. " someone shouts running in town square.

"we have to help." you say.

You help gather the towns people and supplies. You all head to the Madrigal house to help re- build it. You go with your parents. You see all the Madrigals except the 3 sisters. You see your padrino.

"Padrino Bruno." you say

he turns and smiles at you with that awkward smile he always had.

"Amigo. " you hear your dad say

he drops the things he's holding and hugs his beloved best friend. Bruno is shocked but hugs back.

"I'm back amigo. " he tells your dad.

You smile and then feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn and see Isabela all covered in different colors and smiling.

"Mi flor. " you say

She hugs you tight and you hug back and feel her face in your chest.

"(y/n)..." you hear a familiar voice say.

You look up and it's Alma.

"can we talk. Por favor?" she ask.

You nod and Isabela hold on to you.

"Don't worry I'll be back. I promise." you tell her.

"no let her come."

You both follow her to the side. Isabela clings to your side and you wrap an arm around her.

"I would like to apologize. I was so wrapped up on wanting everyone perfect that I went too far. I projected my wants onto Isabela. i'm happy Bruno was there to help you. I know what i did was unforgivable. I just want you two to know that i won't be in the way again. " she says looking away.

she goes to walk away and you grab her and hugs her.

"Abuela you know at first I was angry and had so much hatred. I took the time and healed from the hurt and put myself in your shoes. You went through a lot. my papi told me your past that he knew. you need to heal from the trauma in your life too. I forgive you so we can both fully heal. " you tell her

she cries and kisses your cheek

"Isa ,my love, you have the perfect man. he reminds me of your Abuelo so much. " she tells her granddaughter.

"I wouldn't be the man I am today without my undying love for the amazing Isabela. " you say

Isabela blushes and you know she wants to give you the finger so bad.

"te odio " she tells you

"lies." both you and Alma say

you all laugh. You all head back and soon Casita is fix and after Mirabel puts the door knob. the Madrigals gets their gifts and you all party. You was dancing with Isabela when you get thirsty.

"I'll be right back, you want anything to drink?" you ask her.

"no amor. hurry back. " she kisses your cheek and goes to dance with Dolores and Mirabel.

You go to the drinks and a girl walks to you.

"hola. " she says

"oh hola. how are you ?" you ask to be polite

"I'm good now that we are talking. " she says and puts a hand on your arm

"oh uh ." you say not knowing what to reply.

You maybe seen as a hunk but you don't know how to act around someone when they flirt with you.

"how about you dance with me?" she ask while rubbing your arm.

Before you can say something you feel something pull you back a bit. you look and see a vine around you then see Isabela next to you

"He can't dance with you, he's mine. " Isabela says blunt

The girl starts to stutter and apology but Isabela grabs your hand and drags you upstairs.

"isa.." you start.

"not a word out of you." she says stern.

you keep quiet as she takes you into her room. she locks the door.

"what was that?" she says as she's poking your chest.

you start backing up until you fall on her bed. you forgot how possessive over you Isabela could get.

"I uh... I didn't flirt with her amor. " you tell her.

"Oh i know you wouldn't. yet what are you suppose to say when a girl flirts with you ?" she climbs on top of you.


"you tell them you are taken and your woman doesn't take lightly to others flirting with what's hers. " she says staring in your eyes as she wraps her arms around your neck.

You don't know if you was suppose to be turned on by this but you was.

"I have a beautiful woman who's my whole world. " you state and try to kiss Isabela but she puts her finger on your lips.

"do you deserve a kiss?" she ask

"mi flor don't do this to me please. " you beg

"I asked you a question. " she looks at you amused.

" Si ...mami I do. " you say and smirk at her shock face.

she recomposes herself fast.

"well if you're a good boy when we go downstairs then maybe I can give you more than a kiss. " she gets up but makes sure to squirm abit on your lap to tease you.

you groan and then cover your lap.

"wait you don't expect me to go downstairs like this. do you?" you ask

Isabela grabs her brush and starts brushing her hair.

"oh of course not. I don't need anyone seeing what's mine. how tight your jeans are doesn't help. " she said while looking in the mirror.

You blush hard and try to distract your mind. after a few minutes you are ready to go down.

"ready.." you say and go put your hand out for Isabela.

she smiles and holds your hand downstairs.

"you two was gone for a while. did you do the devils tango?" Camilo ask smirking then laughs

Isabela shoots flowers at him making him choke a bit. You chuckle and Isabela doesn't keep her hands off you for the rest of the night.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now