11.baby is...

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Isabela has spent more time with Alma. Alma has been put on bed rest. you know your wife is nervous and scared for her grandmother.

You walk into Alma's room carrying lunch and you see Isabela sleeping peacefully next to Alma. Alma is playing with isabela's hair and kisses her forhead.

"Abuela.. i have lunch" you say softly.

"thank you.. " she smiles small

you help her sit up and help her with the tray. you sit on the chair by her bed.

"make sure you take good care of her." Alma tells you

"of course. i won't ever leave. " you promise.

You are scared of Alma dying.

"I want to be here for the birth but i feel as if Pedro is calling me" she admits.

"don't fight if you can't. I don't want you to die heck nobody does but when it's time it's time. " you said and kiss her head

she smiles and she knows Isabela made the right choice of being with you.

"Pedro can wait a little longer. "she states.

you smile small. Isabela wakes up and seems relieved when she sees Alma eating.

"hi sleeping beauty " you smile

"hush " she said and sits up slowly.

you give her some lunch and she kisses your cheek.

"so have you two come up with any names?" she ask

"we have.. but you have to hear it at the birth" Isabela tells her.

"do you know if it's a boy or girl?" she ask

"can i?" Isabela ask looking at you

you nod and she gets a paper and writes it down. she shows Alma who smiles big knowing you don't want the family to know yet.

"i'm excited. can't wait to meet you baby" she said to Isabela's stomach smiling. 

you feel like the news gave her some more strength to keep living.

"now i can make a proper baby blanket. (y/n) my yarn and needles please. " Alma said

"Abuela you already made a nice grey and white blanket. " Isabela said

"well the baby needs another one. " she said smiling.

Isabela smiles since Alma made all the grandkids blankets before they was born.

"now you two get out. i need to make this a surprise. " Alma said shooing you both.

you chuckle and you and Isabela leave.

"i'm not scared of her leaving any time soon" Isabela said

you and Isabela see Dolores and Mariano and smile at them.

"hi guys" you said smiling.

"is Abuela up?" Mariano ask nervous

you nod and you and Isabela look at them as they hurry to her room.

"they are up to something" you tell Isabela

"maybe she's pregnant" Isabela said

"aw like how your mami and tia was with you and her " you said

Isabela smiles and you both go downstairs.

"isa how are you amor " Julieta ask the moment she sees you both

"i'm okay mami" she smiles

"have you been resting? " Julieta ask her oldest while putting a gentle hand on her baby bump.

"yes i have. someone actually lets mami sleep." Isabela said smiling

"such a good baby" you said smile

Julieta smiles big when the baby kicks when you talk.

"someone like their papi's voice.. Isabela you was the same whenever your papi would sing" Julieta said chuckling.

"i come baring gifts." you hear your mom say

you turn and smile. you take the two baskets out her hands.

"what's all this?" you ask

"well one is for my beautiful daughter in law. the other is for Alma. " she kisses Isabela's cheek

"aww thank you " Isabela said

You smile and just sit and let the women talk. while they are talking you rub Isabela's bump. Anyone can see you are already obsessed with your baby.

"amor can you go get the pillow i use for my back. " Isabela ask getting uncomfortable in her seat

"si mi vida" you kiss her cheek and hurry upstairs.

you grab the pillow from the room and hurry back.

"so nobody gets to know if it's a boy or girl?" julieta ask

"nope not until the baby is born. we want it to be a surprise. " Isabela tells the women

"we won't tell (y/n)" your mom said

you chuckle quietly and walk inside

"wow i leave and you two try to learn what the baby is. " you tease and put the pillow behind Isabela

"we are just two excited abuela's. " Your mom said

"two abuelas who will find out if they are having a grandson or granddaughter when the baby is born" you said

"and no we won't give hints. " Isabela adds

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