6.Ive missed you

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You and Isabela got married before you had to leave for work. she felt more comfortable knowing you are officially hers before you left. You are coming home from city with your God mother to surprise Bruno. they always had crushes on each other so you thought since he's back he should see her again. she is excited and nervous.

"Madrina I apologize if Isabela doesn't recognize you at first and is being weird about me with another woman. " you say knowing your wife

Gabby chuckles.

"It's okay. maybe Bruno would say something before her. "

You two go to the Madrigal house and you know Isabela should be doing chores so you both go inside and you notice Bruno right away talking to himself

"Padrino.." you say

he looks up and he freezes seeing Gabby.

"Bruno hi." she says smiling

"Gabby. " he smiles awkwardly

"I'll let you two get reacquainted "

you smile and walk to the kitchen leaving the two adults. You see Julieta and try to sneak an arepa but get your hand smacked with a spoon.

"ow." you whine and hold your hand.

"oh (y/n) i'm sorry I thought you was Camilo. " she said

"welcome back home. " she hugs you

you hug her back.

"Gabby came with me. she's talking with Bruno. I hope he doesn't blow it. " you tell her.

"I don't think he can ever blow it with Gabby. she loves him and his... pets. they are both just oblivious to the fact they like each other. "

You nod in agreement and Julieta gives you food. you thank her and eat. when you are done you start washing the dishes.

"gracias" Julieta said then kissed your cheek

"of course. "

you finish the dishes then dry off your hands.  You quietly pass Bruno and Gabby who are laughing and getting along great. You take your bags to Isabela's room. You smile as you see she put one of your shirts on your pillow most likely hugging it. you see a bag she has on the bed and peak inside. you see she has lingerie and blush. you put everything how it was. You change and hide your bags.

You decide to go bother Mirabel. you leave the room and go to Mirabel's room. you knock and no answer. she must be out. You walk outside and decide to go into town. You walk over where you see Camilo.

"Primo. " you say loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough to get everyone's attention.

Camilo turns and smiles and hugs you.

"welcome back. finally you're back. now you can get your cranky wife. I don't know if you guys.. you know every night and she misses that but she has been bad. I made a simple joke and and she hung me by my feet! " Camilo complains.

You laugh imagining Camilo upside down. The young curly haired boy pouts and you ruffle his hair.

"I'll talk with her Primo don't worry. " you tell him.

You leave him and you see Dolores and Mariano laughing and smiling. you let them be and start walking back to casita. You see Isabela in the front making new plants. You whistle at her and she turns mad thinking it's some random guy. her face softens when she sees you and she runs to you. you open your arms and she jumps into them. you spin her around and she wraps her legs around your waist.

"Mi Vida I've missed you. " you say

you stop spinning and she kisses you. you kiss back and she smiles in the kiss. you put her down and doesn't let you go.

"no getting away from me now. I've missed you and you been gone forever. " Isabela whines.

"have you been a good girl while I was away?" you ask

"of course... well maybe a bit moody but I think I've been pleasant. " she tells you.

"is that what everyone else would say?"

she stays quiet and then looks at you lovingly

"Amor... i have a surprise for you.  " she tries to play it off.

you chuckle and hold her hand

"how about we go upstairs.."

she nods and you two go upstairs. She pulls you to the room and closes the door. Isabela hides the bag that's on the bed.

"this surprise is for tonight but for now I want to hear about your trip. "

You and Isabela lay down and you tell her about the trip and how you ended up getting a raise and  you got her stuff from your trip.  You even tell her how you are playing match maker with your Godparents.

"and before you ask no girl flirted with me what so ever because I got a woman who I love more than anything and i know you won't mind tying me up and keeping me all to yourself. " you said as you play with her hair.

"hm that's actually a good idea. " you can hear the smirk in her voice.

"oh is it?" you say interested in where her mind is going.

"yeah... i might just tie you up." she rubs her hand down your chest and keeps her hand on your abs.

"I mean... I wouldn't mind. sounds adventurous. "You tell her.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now