9.dinner announcement

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You come home from your monthly trip and you are excited to tell Isabela the good news about not having to travel. You go inside Casita and when you walk into the kitchen Julieta and your mom  stop talking with Isabela and look at you.

"hola!" you smile.

Isabela kisses you quickly

"i missed you. " she says

You go to hug her but she just goes to sit.

"I missed you more mi flor. no hug?" you say kind of hurt.

"oh...uh. " she starts

"it's okay. " you say low.

you give your mom and Julieta both a kiss on the cheek and hug.

"welcome home amor. " your mom says smiling.

"did i interrupt anything? It feels tense. " you scratch your neck

"no you didn't   " Isabela said and grabs your hand

"nice to see you all. i'm going to go put my stuff away. I'll be down later. " you force a smile

you kiss Isabela's hand and moves away. you didn't want her to know you are hurt. you grab your bags you left by the door and go upstairs. you go into the room and sigh. you put your bags away and take Isabela's gift out. You put the wrapped gift on her side of the bed. You take a quick shower and change.

"mi amor.." you hear behind you as you are putting on your shirt

you turn and see Isabela there. you notice she's in one of your sweaters

"yes Isabela?"

"I'm sorry for not hugging you." she apologizes

"it's okay. " you lie

"liar. it hurt you and i'm very sorry I hurt you. " she walks over and wraps her arms around your neck.

you sigh and hug her.

"I just missed you so much. I wanted to be able to hold you. " you tell her.

"i missed you too. you just caught me at a bad moment ."

You look at her concerned. she makes you sit down on the bed.

"let me just get something maybe it will help explain. " she tells you.

You sit and watch her every move. she goes and takes out a bag and gives it to you. You read the card that's on the top of stuff.

"Dear amor, marrying you has been the greatest thing I've ever done. though it's time for a change. our love has turned into something beautiful and it's growing inside of me. "

You look at Isabela

"seriously ?"you ask

"look inside the bag" she tells you.

you take out a hat that says papi, a pacifier and baby socks.

"wait no are you serious ?" you ask in disbelief and start crying.

she nods and hugs you. you are so happy. you kiss her and then kiss her stomach.

"i'm going to be the best papi ever. your mom and mine know?" you ask

she nods.

"they knew before I did and it was confirmed by a doctor. " she tells you.

she shows you the ultrasound and point

"that's our baby" she tells you

you smile big.

"what a looker. " you joke

she chuckles a bit.

"let's go down." she tells you

you both go back to the kitchen and you hug your mom and Julieta.

"thank you for taking care of Isa while i was gone.. and our baby. " you thank them.

"we are so happy for you two. " your mom tells you.

"well you and papi need to be here for dinner so we can announce it. " you tell your mom

Isabela smiles and holds on to your side as you wrap an arm around her. she agrees and tells Julieta she will be back with more ingredients since they want to make food they only make when celebrating.

"Antonio has been telling me to see the stork while you was away. " isabela tells you

"i bet he did. " you tell her.

Augustin walks in and smiles at you. his face is swollen by bee stings.

"welcome back" he tells you

Julieta sigh and shoves an arepa in his mouth and kiss his cheek.

"it's great to be back. how has work been?" you ask him

"it's been okay. how about with you?" he ask

you smile big and look at Isabela.

"well... I actually have news about work " you say

"please don't tell me you need to spend more time over there. " she says

"no... I sold my company. I'm home for good. well it's not fully sold I have some ownership just so they have to send me money but no more traveling. " you explain.

Isabela gets exited and kisses all over your face. you laugh while Julieta and Augustin smile at you both.

"i won't miss anything anymore. " you promise.

{a few hours later}

Everyone is at dinner and you are holding Isabela's hand.

"okay what's going on? Tia you only cook this stuff when something good is happening. " Camilo says

Everyone looks at Julieta

"I sold my company so i can be home more. " you announce smiling.

everyone congratulates you.

"great now we don't have to deal with a grumpy Isabela. " Camilo says

Isabela shoots a flower in his mouth and he chokes.

"no fighting at the table. " Alma tells her grand kids.

"yeah the backyard is more appropriate" Mirabel states

"well actually there is more news. " Isabela said and smiles at you.

you both stand up and you put a hand on her stomach

"we're expecting." you both say together.

"oh gracias Dios. I can now die in peace knowing there's a next generation. " Alma says

"mami!" the triplets say together

"no abuela you can't die " Antonio says lip quivering.

well what an eventful dinner.

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