7.the talk

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You've been back for a week now. You wake up and yesterday floods in your mind. Isabela and you had an argument. she was mad at you for not having time for her all day and just working. you yelled and called her a uptight clingy princess. You regretted your words and had to sleep in one of the guest rooms. You quickly change and breakfast on a tray to give Isabela breakfast in bed. You go to the room and enter.

"Mi vida..." you say.

You walk to the bed and she's cuddling your pillow. You put the tray on the side table and lightly shake Isabela. she wakes up and looks at you.

"didn't I tell you last night you aren't allowed in here?" she says and sits up

"Isa please. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I'm an idiot. I let my stress go to you. I said some things I knew would hurt you and I regret it deeply." you say and kiss her hand

She pulls her hand away.

"Do you really see me as a uptight clingy princess?" she ask looking away.

"amor no. you are a sexy confident independent clingy queen. " you tell her.

"you hate me being clingy.." she says low.

"no i love it. I love you always wanting to be around me. I love when I came home you couldn't keep your hands off me. I should make more time for you and not just work. it's my fault.  I got you breakfast in bed. " You are now literally on your knees by the bed.

Camilo walks in and sees you.

"Ha Dolores was right you are such a simp."

You throw a pillow at him. He closes the door before it could hit him.

"I forgive you... if you show you all the love today." she tells you

"anything my queen. mi esposa. mi vida."

She pulls you by your shirt to her and she kisses you. You kiss back and smile.

"Oh I almost forgot. your abuela wants to talk to you, she told me last night ." you tell her

Isabela sighs.

"I think I know but I want to hear it from her. "

There is a knock and then Antonio walks in.

"hey Primo. " you say as the little boy walks over.

"(y/n) you promised to play with me." he says shyly looking at his hands

you look at Isabela who smiles and nods.

"well then let's go play primo. " you stand up and put Antonio on your shoulders.

he laughs and you run out holding him. Isabela smile and gets dress. she ate her breakfast quickly and took a deep breath. Yes her Abuela is calmer but she is still nervous for a serious talk. Isabela walks to Alma's room and knocks.

"come in!" she hears.

Isabela walks in and sees her grandmother sitting on her bed.

"come sit amor. " she tells her

Isabela walks and sits on the bed.

"hi abuela. "

"You know i'm so happy you are married... I wanted to talk to you about the next generation. have you and (y/n) spoken about kids?"

Isabela saw this coming.

"well not really. He's very career focused so I don't know if he wants kids. " Isabela tells Alma

"doesn't want? well of course he should want you two are married after all."

"Abuela... marriage doesn't mean kids. "

"Isabela... I want to see great grand kids. think of this talk and then talk with your husband. "

Alma kisses her grand daughter's cheek. Isabela hurries out and takes a deep breath. she heads to the back where she can see you and Antonio playing. She smiles and watches you both. You and Antonio was playing tag. You pick up Antonio and spins holding him. you both laugh as you fall but hold him to your chest so he doesn't get hurt.

"oh Antonio you make me want kids more and more every day. " you tell him.

"well why don't you? camilo says you can buy babies from the stork." the innocent kid tells you.

you chuckle and look at him.

"well then I guess your prima and I have to go to the stork. " you ruffle his hair.

You continue to play with him until he's bored and runs inside. You see Isabela and wave her over. she walks over and you pull her close. You peck her lips and she smiles up at you.

"had fun?"

"oh yes. Antonio is a blast... he recommended something. " you tell her

she wraps her arms around your neck and look at you

"oh what did he tell you?"

"well we should go visit the stork since that's where we can get babies. "You tell her

"is uh.. is that what you want? we don't have to have kids now if you don't want to." Isabela tells you

"mi vida what do you want? Yes what i want matters but it's your body. I wouldn't do anything you aren't sure about. " you tell her.

Isabela is shock and in that moment she doesn't know. does she want kids so soon or is it drilled in her head that she has to want them now?

You kiss her cheek.

"how about this... whenever you are ready you can tell me to stop using protection. it's no rush amor." you smile at her.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now