5.say yes

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Isabela walks in while you are talking with Julieta and Agustín and you all stop talking. you all stare at her.

"uh what's going on here ?" she ask curious

"I can't have a pleasant conversation with your parents? " you ask raising an eyebrow

she walks over and kiss her parents on their cheeks.

"you can mi amor. " she kisses your cheek also

you smile and stand up. You hug Julieta and shake hands with Agustín.

"thank you for speaking with me. now mi flor we have an amazing date to go on. " you say smiling.

she holds on to your arm and says bye to her parents. You see Dolores sitting on the porch with popcorn and she winks at you. you chuckle and you take Isabela into the forest.

"privacy i love it. " she says

"off to our spot. " you tell her and kiss her head.

You two get there and she sees the photos on the string.

"what's this?" she says looking at it.

"old and new pictures of us. " you tell her.

she looks at the photos and you take the opportunity to get on one knee as she does. She smiles at the photos of you two as kids. especially the one where she forces you to let her do your makeup.

"God you let me do whatever i wanted to you. "

She gets to some picture when you two first started dating

"I remember this one. you dressed up as a bee and joked about how much you was attracted to me. "

she goes to the recent photos of you two. 

"aww this was the one your mom took of us sleeping. "

she notices the last photo you have there is of you  holding a sign that says turn around. she turns around and sees you on one knee.

"Isabela. You are the beauty in my life. without you my life doesn't have color it's just black in white. I have been in love with you since we were kids. I did everything to impress you, I didn't want to be just a friend. I wanted to be your best friend and boyfriend. I was able to be that. now I want to be your best friend and husband. If you give me the chance I will make sure you are happy for the rest of our lives. Isabela Madrigal Will you marry? " you ask

Isabela starts crying and nodding her head. You stand and put the ring on her finger. she kisses you and you kiss her back. you hold her close and she wraps her arms around your neck. she smiles in the kiss and you two pull away with your foreheads touching.

"I love you " she tells you.

"and i love you mi vida... also I think Dolores might be listening like we are some sort of novela. " you say

Isabela starts laughing.

"Dang then i should have said no for the drama." she jokes

You smile and kiss her nose.

"Let's head back." you tell her.

You take down the pictures and you two head back. Dolores gets up from her spot and hugs you both.

"that was so cute. I got so excited I dropped most of my popcorn. " Dolores said while squeezing you both

"I try to be cute. " you say smiling.

she lets you go and Isabela shows her the ring.

"he has great taste in rings too. Isa you got a keeper. "

you smile and you and Isabela go inside. you two stop in the kitchen and Julieta is there with Pepa.

"let me see it. " Julieta says when she sees you two.

Isabela walks over and shows her ring

"Felicidades!" Pepa said and even got a rainbow

she was excited for her niece.

"it's beautiful. I'm so happy for you. " Julieta hugs her daughter.

you show them all the pictures you had hanging up.

"You know I remember when you two was kids. All these boys would try to talk to Isa, she would tell me she didn't get why they would ask her out. she said she was waiting for you to grow a pair and ask her out. there was a point she thought you just wanted to be best friends and nothing more. " Julieta said looking at the old photos

"Ah i remember that. you two got me so upset. (y/n) you would look like a love sick puppy and at points Isabela was oblivious. Isa you would whisper little compliments when he walked. I was ready a lot of times to shout for you two to kiss already." Pepa adds

You and Isabela blush not knowing how young and in love you two use to be. now you are older and still madly in love.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now