14.the end

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You are currently in the back yard working out when you feel someone jump on your back as you are doing push ups.

"oh no!" you say dramatically and drop yourself

you hear a little giggle.

"hey i'm not that heavy papi!" 4 year old Amelia said

"you arent?" you ask

she gets off you and you sit up. you grab her and pull her close making her giggle.

"mami said it's time for lunch. she said to come to get you" she said smiling

"that's because she knows i can't say no to you " you said smiling

"cause i'm papi's princesa " she said proudly.

you nod and carry her inside. she plays with your hair as you take her to wash her hands. you both wash up and then go to the kitchen.

"abuela.. i'm a princesa" amelia tells Julieta with a smile.

"si you are. " she said and kisses the girl on the head.

you kiss Julieta on the cheek before sitting with your wife.

"you did good sending our angel to get me " you tell her

"i don't have the energy to do it. your son is a bit draining." she said looking down at the 6 month old baby who's breast feeding.

"he loves his nutrients. " you said and kiss her cheek then the baby's head.

"hey papi that's my baby don't kiss him" she said.

since your son was born Amelia is obsessed. she thinks her baby brother is her baby. you just chuckle looking at her.

"princesa, Lorenzo is your baby brother. he's papi and mamis baby." you try to explain.

"still my baby" she said stubborn just like her mami.

"she's your daughter for sure. stubborn like you " you tell Isabela

"(y/n).." Isabela said and you knew to shut up.

Madrigal women know how to keep their men checked.

"mama Julieta... is it a madrigal women thing to be so strong minded?" you ask

she laughs and nods. Isabela rolls her eyes at you.

"When do i get my gift ?" Amelia ask

"tomorrow on your birthday like every madrigal kid  you get a gift on your 5th birthday. " you said

she smiles big.

"mami is it going to be amazing like yours?" Amelia ask looking up at her mom

Isabela smiles and nods

"whatever gift you get will be amazing like you" Isabela said

"but what if i don't get a gift like tia Mirabel?" Amelia ask looking down

"hey you would still be amazing. you don't need a gift to be the great kid you are. " you said squatting by her chair.

she hugs you and you hug back. you kiss her head.

"i love you papi" she said smiling bright at you

"i love you too my angel" you said

after lunch you help Amelia clean up and take Lorenzo from Isabela.

"go rest mi reina " you said

"i'm okay" Isabela said

"no go rest. you do so much but won't take a second for yourself. i will worry about the kids and you take a nice nap." you said smiling at your wife

she yawns and you smirk.

"ugh fine. but wake me if anything." Isabela kisses your cheek

"Isa don't worry and sleep. I love you. now go" you said stern

"i love you too bossy" Isabela said

she kisses the kids and then head upstairs.

"hey Amelia how about we go get mami some surprises from outside?" you ask your oldest child

she nods smiling. you get Lorenzo's baby bag ready and put him in his stroller.

"ready papi" Amelia said

you smile and go out into town with your kids.

"what are we getting mami?" she ask

"well what do you think she'll like?" you ask

Amelia thinks and looks around. her eyes light up when she sees something.

"over here" she rushes to a jewelry store.

you chuckle and follow her. she is your daughter for sure. She knows you like to get her and Isabela jewelry for special occasions.

"mami needs new jewelry?" you ask

she nods looking at the window display. You couldn't help but smile at your little girl.

"Papi.." Amelia said

"yes mi amor" you said

"mami will like that necklace there... i got an idea" she said smiling

you listen to her idea and you can't help but smile.

"good idea. " you praise her.

you buy the necklace she points out and buy her the earrings she likes.

"you have amazing taste in jewelry Princesca. "

"thank you papi" she admires her earrings

you three head home and Amelia runs off to play. you carry Lorenzo with you to your room. you walk in and see Isabela waking up

"my boys" she said smiling

you put Lorenzo down on the bed next to Isabela and he yawns.

"someone is sleepy" you said

"he must have wanted to sleep with mami" Isabela said smiling down at the baby

you smile at her.

"i have a very important question to ask you" you said

"we aren't having another baby" she said giving you a look

"no it's not that. " you chuckle.

"what is it?" she ask looking at you

"well.. i am so thankful for you. you have been in my life for a long time. i appreciate everything you have done for me, i appreciate how you never stopped loving me even when i was gone for so long. I especially appreciate how wonderful you are. you gave me two beautiful children that mean the absolute world to me. you basically have me everything i ever wanted. I am so lucky to have you. our beautiful daughter told me an idea so i can't take all the credit but.. will you like to renew our vows?" you ask and hand her the necklace Amelia chose

Isabela smiles and nods. she hugs you and you hug back. you got everything you ever wished for.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now