4. cuddles

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You have your glasses on as you are looking over some papers from work. Just because your back doesn't mean work ends. you hear your bedroom door open and you look up. Isabela is there smiling.

"your papi let me in he's taking your mom on a date." Isabela tells you as she walks over.

"hola beautiful. " you say as she takes a seat on your lap

"I haven't seen you in glasses in a long time. God you are so handsome. " she tells you

You blush and look at her.

"mi amor im working right now... " you tell her.

"well I'm not doing anything. Just sitting here. I won't bother. " she tells you.

You start reading over your papers and Isabela leans against you. you kiss the side of her head.

"mi amor... " Isabela starts

"hm" you say still reading.

"Do you really still love me or is it just because i'm your first everything ?" she ask playing with the hem of her dress.

You take off your glasses and puts your papers down. You make Isabela look at you.

"Mi flor where is this coming from? I love you. I love how you are being your genuine self not only with me anymore. I love your soul. I love how you smile.  I love how you are so strong minded. I love especially that you are mine. " you tell her.

She sighs and hugs you.

"I'm sorry.. I just get insecure and it makes me doubt sometimes. I see all these girls looking at you and I just think you will leave me for them" she admits.

"Never mi flor. I'm all yours. I will never leave you. Heck i haven't been with anyone else. " you admit.

she smiles and kisses you. you kiss her back and she runs her hands in your hair. You smile and pull away slowly.

"do you need cuddles?" you ask

she nods and you smile. You grab her and stand up holding her. she grabs you not expecting you to do that. you chuckle and carry her to your bed. you lay her down.

"do you want to stay in your clothes or wear one of my shirts ?" you ask her.

"one of your shirts. " she tells you

You grab one of your shirts and hand it to her. you turn around as she changes.

"you didn't have to turn. " she chuckles.

You look and she's under the covers in your shirt.

"i'm trying to respect you mi flor. " you tell her.

you get under the covers and pull her close. you smile when she puts her head on your chest.

"God I don't think I'm going to get over how much I missed you. we lost a lot of time." You tell her.

she holds one of your hands.

"well we can make up for lost time. I'm happy to make the future with you. " She tells you.

"you know i still work in the city... i have to go in for a week every month. " you tell her.

"alone?" she ask

"you can come with me whenever. I don't mind. i just don't know how your family would feel. " you tell her.

"hmm i don't know. we can talk about it when you have to go." she said looking at you.

you agree and push her hair out her face. You grab a hair tie you have near your bed and tie her hair in a pony tail.

"there... you look sexy. " you said before kissing her nose.

"I remember you use to tie my hair up before I.. you know. " she says blushing.

You blush at all the memories.

"oh That's not why i did that. I just wanted to see your beautiful face. " you say looking away

She giggles amused on how flustered you get.

"don't look away from me. you said you like to see my beautiful face, can't do that not looking at
me." she gently grabs your face and make you look at her.

"that's better." she says then she kisses you gently

You kiss back and pull away slowly. Isabela yawns and cuddles into your chest.

"now rub my back please."

you chuckle and rub her back. you hum random tunes and end up falling asleep with Isabela in your arms. that's something you've missed so much.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now