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a month past and Isabela is over being pregnant.

"mami how do i get this baby to vacate my body already?" Isabela ask exhausted

"the baby will come when they are ready" julieta said and rubs her daughters back.

"this is your fault!" Isabela shouts at you

You don't take it personal since you know she's just tired of being pregnant already.

"Si mi vida. whatever you say" you kiss her head.

"how is my beautiful daughter?" Agustin ask coming in the kitchen

"tired. " Isabela said

she then starts to cry and holds on to Julieta.

"do you want ice cream?" you ask knowing it usually makes her happy.

"c-chocolate please" she sobs

you go get ice cream out the freezer. Camilo comes to walk in but the moment he sees Isabela crying he turns around not wanting any of his prima's wrath.

"here you go mi reina" you said giving her the ice cream.

she stops crying and wipes her eyes. she eats the ice cream happily. those pregnancy hormones are something. You rub her bump and hum. you feel the baby moving around abit.

"when you come out papi will cuddle you all up" you said looking at the bump.

"with some cuddles for me too?" Isabela asked

"of course mi flor. you are my beautiful woman." you peck her lips.

After Isabela is done she wants a massage so
you take her up to your shared room.

"ugh i been getting some pains amor. "Isabela said

"is it really bad?" you ask and help her lay down

"it's on and off. at times it's bad. " she tells you

you massage her feet and she sighs happily.

"let me get the lotion" you said

you move to get it and hear Isabela gasp

"my water.." you hear her say

you turn and walk over. your eyes widen seeing that her water broke. you run to the door and open it

"Julieta!" you shout

she runs up hearing your shout.

"ayuda ...her water" you said when you see her

she rushes in the room and tell you what to get her. you rush and gather everything she needs. you then go to Alma and let her know it's time.

"bring me" she said

you carefully carry Alma to the room and sit her on the comfy recliner you have in the room.

"(y/n) it hurts" you hear Isabela said

you rush to her side and hold her hand.

"i got you amor. just squeeze my hand as hard as you need. i got you. i'm not going anywhere" you said nervous.

"you are laboring fast.. i can feel a head. you are going to have to push " Julieta said

you help Isabela with her breathing while she delivers your baby. after what seems like forever you all hear a little cry.

"it's... a girl" Julieta said tearing up.

she hands your daughter over to Isabela who cries and smiles down at the baby.

"what's her name?" Alma ask you two.

"her name is Amelia... we wanted it close to your name to honor you" you said looking at Alma smiling

Alma smiles and tears up. You look down at your daughter and can't help but smile at her.

"welcome to the world Amelia Madrigal" you said and kiss her head.

you wipe Isabelas face.

"i can't believe she's here. we've been waiting so long" she said

you hold Amelia for a bit after Julieta teaches Isabela how to breast feed. you smile at the baby and walk over to Alma.

"do you want to hold her?" you ask

"oh yes please. " she said smiling

you gently put Amelia in the arms of her great grandmother.  you can't help but smile at the two. You grab your camera and take a picture of the two. you want Amelia to have as many family pictures as possible. Especially since you don't know when Alma is going to pass.

"she is a blessing. the first of the next generation of Madrigals."

"yup and when Dolores has her baby then she will have a playmate. " you said

"oh i have to be alive for that.. i don't know how much time i have. i want to meet the next baby... (y/n) if i don't live long please let Amelia know how much i love her. Make sure to also comfort Isabela.. she and I use to do everything together. she would sit with me when i would knit... when she was around 3 she would hold on tight to my hand as i went into town and ask me so many questions. she thought i had all the answers. " she said smiling.

"Abuela i will... I won't let either Amelia and Isabela doubt your love for them. I will make sure Isabela tells Amelia stories of you. You are important to this family so your memory will live on. " you said and kiss her head

"thank you.. i'm so happy Isabela married you.. you are a wonderful husband and now an amazing father.. you are one lucky girl Amelia " Alma said

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now