13.A dark day

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1 month. Amelia is one month old. Alma fought for one more month. her illness was too much for her. She left Dolores blankets for her baby. she left her daughters and son written notes. she left Isabela her hand held mirror that she loved as a little girl. she left Dolores the story books they read together. she left Luisa a pillow where she sewed "take time to rest -Abuela" on it. She left Camilo a photo of them two and a letter to remind him of who he was. she left her beloved pocket watch that was once Pedro's to Mirabel. she left antonio a stuff version of herself that Mirabel helped her make. She left Mariano and you personal notes.

the madrigals have to live with the unimaginable.. Alma gone.

"vamos vamos we have to get to the church! " you can hear Julieta saying from downstairs.

You straighten your tie and look at Isabela who is fixing Amelia's little dress. you walk over and kiss her head.

"i-I don't know if i can do this.." Isabela said tearing up

you hug her.

"hey hey i got you " you hold her and stroke her hair.

she cries a bit but pulls away and wipes her eyes

"i don't want Amelia to see me cry. " she said

she picks up the baby and holds her close.

"she knows her mami is strong even when you cry. " you said and kiss the top of her head.

she smiles small at you and kiss Amelia on her head.

"let's go down before everyone wonders where we are" Isabela said

you grab the baby bag and you two head downstairs. Isabela puts Amelia in her stroller.

"are we all ready?" Julieta ask

Everyone nods and you all head to the church. it's Alma's funeral and the day is just dark. it's not raining but dark clouds fill the sky. Felix and Antonio both hold one of Pepa's hands.

once everything starts everyone is sharing their stories of Alma. The triplets share their fond memories from childhood with their mother.

"oh our mami had it tough at times with us. imagine 3 teenagers going through puberty at the same time in the same house. " Bruno said

"a lot of times Julieta stopped me and Bruno from fighting but if mami caught us... we all went down together. she always told us we came into this world together then we would be punished together. lot of it bruno's fault" Pepa said smiling sadly

"hey! was not" Bruno said

"guys" Julieta said smiling at her siblings

Agustin and Felix both talk about how they tried to win Alma's trust and show they was worthy to be husbands.

"I was asking abuela for Juleita's hand in marriage when i got a bad bee sting. thankfully Julieta was just inside. she saw the love between us two and she was so happy. she gave me her blessings right in that moment. she said i was lucky to have a woman who can keep me from killing my self or getting killed by any little thing" agustin said smiling

"oh i remember the moment we met. she asked me what my intentions was with her daughter and i was truthful. i wanted to love Pepa for the rest of my life. sure i'm older and i know that scared her. i did everything she asked. every chore she asked of me. heck the moment she saw my dance moves she couldn't help but smile." Felix said while looking at Alma's picture.

out of the grandkids only Isabela and Mirabel had the strength to tell a story.

"Abuela was the best at story telling. I use to climb on her lap and she would tell me stories. i think my favorite one was when she told me how she and abuelo met. she described his eyes as bright stars. she told me she asked him for a miracle and that's when i came. she taught me what i have to do at every gift ceremony but.. the next won't be the same without her. " Mirabel tears up and gets off the stage.

Isabela takes a deep breath and goes up.

"Abuela and I had a very special relationship. from a young age i would love to go everywhere with her. she and i would sit down and she would hum a song while she brushed my hair. she made sure everything was perfect. I was scared the moment i truly got to show who i am because i did everything to make her proud. On my wedding day.. she brushed my hair and hummed like all those years ago. she told me something i won't ever forget. she said 'Isa mi amor.. i am so proud of the woman you became. don't ever lose who you are. be the colorful powerful woman i see before me. I will always love you. ' " Isabela sobbed on the last part.

you help her down and hug her.

"go say something please. " Isabela whispers.

"does anyone else have anything to share?" the priest asked

"i do" you said.

you kiss Isabela's head and go on stage.

"So abuela met me when i was a kid. i use to have glasses and was really scrawny. she use to ask me if i ate and i did.. i ate all the time. i knew she didn't like me with Isabela because i was kid. of a distraction. there was a time she pulled me out of the house by my ear because she caught me kissing Isabela. that lady was strong. After years she finally warmed up to the idea of me. she and I had a special time in the week where we had tea together. she told me how she wanted me to make sure i stay a good father and husband and i promised her that. she taught me so much in life. such as forgiveness and fighting for what you love. i'm so thankful i got to be on her good side at the end" you said tearing up a bit.

After the whole funeral you all head home and have a nice family dinner with all Alma's favorite foods.

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