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You lay with Isabela and rub her stomach while you hum. She's been having trouble sleeping since the baby has been moving a lot. she's 7 months pregnant at the moment. she says the baby is only calm when you rub her stomach. you see her finally fall asleep and you smile.

"i love you both so much. " you whisper.

You quietly get up and go downstairs to get some water. You hear coughing when you go toward the kitchen and hear a fall. you rush to the kitchen and Dolores leave her room. you see Alma on the ground and you rush to her. when you check her pulse it's still there. Julieta runs down with Dolores who got her.

"mami" Julieta says

you do everything Julieta tells you and you carry Alma up to her room. You worry about the older woman you see as your own grandmother.

"okay (y/n) i got it from here. i will get you if i need help" Julieta says and sits by her mother's side.

"i can stay" you tell her

"no no go get some sleep." she tells you

it's 3am currently. you sigh and know there is no arguing with Julieta. you give her a kiss on the cheek and go back to you and Isabela's room. you lay next to her and wrap an arm around her and hold her belly.

"i love you " Isabela mumbles sleepily

"i love you too. just sleep mi vida" you kiss her head

In the morning you wake up first and it's 7am. you yawn and look over and Isabela is still thankfully sleeping. you know it's so hard for her to sleep. you quietly and gently get out of bed. you position your pillow so it's against her back and go downstairs. you see a tired Julieta cooking and you walk over.

"you need any help? " you ask and wash your hands.

she nods and you two cook in silence.

"so is abuela okay?" you ask

"for now.. the town's doctor is going to come later. " she tells you

you nod.

"i um kind of noticed she's been distant lately. " you inform the eldest triplet

she agrees and tells you she noticed the same. she wondered why she wanted a great grand child so badly but her health seems to be why.

"thankfully you was there in time " Julieta tells you

you nod agreeing. you couldn't imagine what would happen if you wasn't there.  Dolores would
still hear but they would struggle to carry her upstairs.

"you left bed" you hear

you look and there is Isabela pouting. you smile and kiss her cheek.

"i'm sorry i'm helping your mami cook. " you tell her.

she sits at the table and watch you and Julieta.

"how are you feeling?" Julieta ask

she wipes her hands and goes and kisses Isabela's  head and rub her stomach

"i'm okay. someone told me papi left us. "Isabela said

"you was the same way when you was in my stomach. you didn't let your papi go anywhere. you liked when he rubbed my stomach. "

"ha the baby gets it from you " you tell her

she sticks her tongue out at you. you blow her a kiss.

"i'm going to bring a plate to abuela. (y/n) please set the table. "

you let Julieta know you got it and she heads up with food. Isabela looks at you confused as you set the table.

"what's wrong with Abuela?" she ask

"she isn't feeling well" you tell her not wanting to worry her with what happened.

she nods. soon everyone has breakfast and it seems so weird without Alma at the table.

"so have you two come up with names for the baby?" Mirabel ask

"a few.. it's a secret" you tell them

"oh it's going to be so much fun having a baby around again" Pepa says smiling.

"i'm going to have someone new to play with " Antonio said with excitement.

Isabela smiles big happy to know the family already loves the baby. After breakfast Isabela wants to go see Alma.

"let her rest amor" Julieta tells her daughter

"but mami... maybe seeing me will help her feel better. "

"i know you want to help but just relax okay? maybe you and (y/n) can go for a walk. " Julieta suggest

"how about it mi vida? a walk and we can go get anything you want from town. " you grab her hand

"stuff from the bakery?" she asks hopeful.

"yes.. anything." you smile at her

she gets excited since she is craving a few things. you two head into town.

"can we.. get my abuela a few things. I know my mami doesn't want anyone to bother her but i just want to make her smile. " she plays with her ring

"of course we can. we can make her a nice little basket of things. " you kiss her cheek

you and Isabela get some stuff for Alma in the bakery and you both get some little snacks for yourselves. you both also buy a couple more things and make a really cute basket.

"you think she's going to like it ?" Isabela ask while holding on to your arm

"i think she's going to love it" you inform her

once you two get to casita you walk upstairs to alma's room and lightly knock

"come in" a weak voice says

you both walk in. Alma smiles seeing you both.

"hi my loves. " she says

Isabela gives her the basket

"i thought you needed some sweets and maybe some company" Isabela said low while holding Alma's hand.

"thank you. Seeing you is actually making me feel a bit better. now how about you tell me about your day" Alma smiles weakly at her eldest grandchild.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now