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You and Luisa are laughing as you come back from a run with her.

"Gosh we should do this more often together. " you say

Luisa agrees. you go to the room and see Isabela going through her clothes.

"hey amor. " you say and grab a change of clothes

"do you think I gained weight?" she ask

"no why?" you say and look at her.

"don't lie to me. i'm being serious. " she tells you.

you walk to her and pull her close.

"why do you think you gained weight?"

"my dresses are tight and i think i've been eating more" she tells you

"do you think... your pregnant?" you ask

Isabela stays quiet and moves from you.

"Isa..." you start to say.

she sits on the bed and just cries. you rush to her and hold her. she cries in your chest.

"do you not want a baby?" you ask softly

"I do... I'm just scared. maybe the weight gain is stress. " she says

"what are you stress about?" you play with her hair

"Just thinking about how I need to have the next generation..." she sighs

"mi amor. my vida. you don't have to feel pressured or anything to do something. like i said it's up to you when we have a baby nobody else. I love you. " you tell her

"you're the best... seriously. You make everything feel so easy. like I don't have to rush anything." Isabela smiles small at you

"since we was younger I let you know that whenever something had to do with your body it's your choice. not a lot of men think the same. " you say

"yeah and i'm happy im with you. "

You kiss her head and help her get an outfit together.

"what do you want to do today? anything you want. " You tell her


"yes mi flor anything you want. "

she smirks and you don't know what you just agreed to.

"well I want sweets from the bakery, I want us to go sit in the woods with our sweets and it just be us. no interruptions or stress."

"not what i expected but anything for you. " you smile.

You hold her hand and you both go walk to the bakery. You get her everything she wanted and a few things for you. you both go to a nice open field and you lay out the blanket you took with you.

"this is going to be perfect. " she say as she hold the sweets and juices.

"only the best for you. " you smile

you two sit and enjoy each other. you both feed each other sweets and smile.

"God you are gorgeous. " you tell her

she blushes and covers her face with her hair

"hey don't hide that face. " you said as you push her hair back and cup her cheek.

she kisses you and you kiss back. You pull her close to you. she wraps her arms around your neck and you two have a nice make out session. You pull away before anything can get hot and heavy.

"hey I wasn't ready to pull away. " Isabela pouts.

"well mi vida I don't have any... protection and we are outside. " you tell her.

"maybe I like the risk. " she says and plays with your belt

"Isa.." you start and she starts kissing your neck.

"oh come on let's get adventurous. " she tells you between kisses

"fine" you say giving in

Let's just say you two had a great time. You then head back after and Isabela is giggling.

"pleased with yourself ?" you ask her teasingly.

"oh yeah i am. I lived one of my fantasies. " she tells you

"to have sex outside?" you ask

"no.. to have unprotected sex outside with you. " she pecks your lips.

you smile and walk with your arm around her. she holds on to you as you both walk. you fix her hair before you both go inside. you kiss her cheek and smile big.

"Isa can you help me please" Julieta ask her daughter while rubbing her hands that seem to be in pain

"si mami coming. " she says.

"i'll be waiting. " you peck her lips and kiss Julieta's cheek before going upstairs.

Antonio sees you and runs to you screaming your name. you chuckle and pick him up.

"well if it isn't my best friend.. shh don't tell your prima. "

Antonio giggles and pretends to lock his lips and throw away the key.

"have you visited the stork yet?" he ask and play with the chain on your neck.

"no primo not yet. maybe soon. Isabela and I have been very busy. " you tell him.

Antonio pouts. he probably hates being the only kid. you ruffle his hair and go play action figures with him. he likes when you make sound effects and play with him. God you hope you have a kid just as sweet.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now