2. mi flor

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You watch from your window as Isabela make flowers appear around her in town and wave to people. You sigh to yourself missing her.

"Hijo you look amor enfermo" You hear your dad say

"Papi she was my first love of course im love sick. " you tell him

"wasn't you going to go for a run?" he ask looking at your outfit.

"oh si" you say totally forgetting.

You tell him you'll see him later and head out. You see the town people looking at you. trying to figure out who you are and you just go on a light jog. You always run in the city so here is going to be different even though you grew up here. You go pass Mirabel bothering Luisa and stay out their sight. you just jog for a bit and don't realize you end up in your secret spot you use to have with Isabela. You see Your favorite flowers there. It seems she would visit your spot. you bend down and look at the flowers. You hear footsteps behind you. You turn and see Isabela.

"So it is you.." she says

she looks at you and you don't know exactly what's in her eyes. hatred or sadness.

"Isabela.. if you just give me a minute-" you start saying

"no! you don't have the RIGHT to ask me for anything. YOU abandoned me! " she screams.

"Isa it's not like that." you start and take a step forward.

she makes a vine push you back.

"Don't come near me. I'm so.. so I don't know. You can't come back like nothing happened. Especially looking like that.. muscular and ugh. Stay away from me. You made a choice to leave and leave that damn note!" she runs off

you are so confused. what note? you never left a note. You punch a tree a little too hard and hurt your hand.

"mierda!" you shout.

You hold your hand and walk into the town square. You catch Julieta right before she gets ready to go. She looks at you.

"oh dear what happened?" she ask

"oh this is what happens when you're not nice to nature. " you joke

she gives you and arepa and your hand feels better after you eat it.

"gracias. " you say.

"you're welcome.. (y/n)" she says. 

You look at her stunned she's recognized you so fast.

"i will always remember my Isa's first love. You was around so often how could I forget that face. you are still that little boy in glasses to me. " she tells you.

she kisses your cheek and leaves. You always loved Julieta like a second mom. You have to make things right with Isabela. If only you could talk to Bruno. he could help you out. his vision saved you. he helped you get to the city and gave the information to your dad, his only childhood friend other than his siblings. He is also your padrino.

You go home and when you ask your dad about Bruno he gives you a weird response.

"we don't talk about Bruno. " he simply said and goes off to his room

"Excuse him Hijo... You remember how he disappeared but came back to save you? well he hasn't returned since so your dad is taking it hard. Bruno is his Mejor amigo" she explains to you.

You nod remembering the first time your Padrino Bruno disappeared your dad kind of seemed odd. He always went out at night to "feed the rats. " as he said. You think of the day bruno saved your life. He healed you with his sisters food that he took from the kitchen while the family was away. He then took you to the city where your Madrina Gabby, your moms best friend , lived to hide you. He took his role of Padrino real serious.

The past is Haunting (isabela Madrigal x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now